What are the benefits of quince?


The healing properties of the fruits of quince have long been known in ancient times. The fruits of the plant contain up to 12% sugar, about 5% organic acids (malic, citric acids), essential oils, pectin and nutrients, vitamin C, iron, copper, calcium salts. Quince seeds contain up to 20% mucus, glycoside amygdalin, more than 8% oil, dyes. In folk medicine, with the juice of quince fruit treated asthma, heartburn, jaundice, hiccups, abdominal pain, dysentery. In addition, quince has been used in the treatment of insomnia, anemia, cough, gastric, liver and kidney diseases.
Abu Ali Ibn Sina used a tincture of quince fruit to treat dysentery, inflammation of the colon, quince juice with quince juice to stop asthma, spitting and vomiting, quenching thirst and brain pain. He prepared medicines based on quince seeds and treated lung and respiratory diseases. In folk medicine, a decoction of grape juice with quince seeds has a good effect in the treatment of anemia, diarrhea, hemorrhoids. In scientific medicine, a decoction made from quince seeds is used to treat eye pain, constipation, shortness of breath, and inflammation of the airways.
Due to the fact that quince fruit contains iron, it is very useful for patients with anemia. Various sweets are made from quince, canned food is produced in the food industry. Diaper varieties grown in Uzbekistan include: Bahri quince, Non quince, Kuva quince, Sovkhoznaya quince, Pear quince and others.

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