What causes salivation during sleep?


What causes salivation during sleep?

"What causes salivation in sleep?"

Scholar, Amudarya district

Yorqinoy Toshpulatova, therapist:

- In general, saliva from the mouth is not dangerous. Saliva is a digestive enzyme that constantly moisturizes the oral cavity. We unknowingly constantly swallow excess saliva. This process also continues during sleep. If saliva is produced in excess, the body will not be able to "respond" to it.

Causes of salivation during sleep:

unusual structure of the jaw;
foreign bodies in the oral cavity (braces, dentures, food scraps);
nasal barrier curvature;
taking sleeping pills.
When the nasal barrier is curved, oxygen does not reach the lungs. Therefore, the mouth opens involuntarily and saliva begins to flow. The same situation is observed in people who are accustomed to sleeping on one side.

Diseases include allergies, ulcers, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, circulatory disorders in the brain, infections of the oral cavity - caries, stomatitis, stress, etc. Sometimes it can also result from intense stress and nervousness. You need to lie down in a comfortable position to solve the problem. Ventilate the room before bedtime. It is advisable to see a dentist and a neurologist.