What should parents pay attention to so that children do not get pneumonia?


Children do not get pneumonia
What should parents pay attention to?

Recommendations of the chief pediatric pulmonologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor Furkat Shamsiyev.

📌 Follow the rules of hygiene and teach it to children, wash your hands with soap or disinfect them regularly with antiseptics;

Do not touch the face with your hands;

DoimiyConstant ventilation of rooms;

📌 Teach children to cover their mouth and nose with a napkin or elbow when coughing or sneezing;

📌 Encourage children not to come near sick children;

📌 training in the use of protective masks;

📌 Children should not be sent to kindergarten or school if they become ill.

Also, proper and rational nutrition of the child, elimination and hardening of foci of chronic infection will greatly help in the prevention of various diseases.

An aqueous solution of vitamin D supplement (Aquadetrim), ascorbic acid, immunosinc and selenium, iron supplements for the treatment of anemia can help increase the child's ability to fight respiratory diseases.

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