What do the fingers say?


A person’s character can be determined by his or her appearance. The structure of the face, eyes, eyebrows, and even fingers sometimes give some information. If you want to check this out, look at the picture and determine which one fits your fingers.

A. The index finger is shorter or smaller than the ring finger. Owners of such fingers are attractive and like to take risks. They are polite and rely only on reason in making decisions. Most of them are more income earners than others. That’s why smart girls pay more attention to guys with longer fingerless fingers.

B. The index finger is longer than the ring finger. Finger owners like this are a little proud. At the same time, it is both free and arrogant. They behave freely and cheerfully in society, they do not like to waste time on small things. That’s why they don’t like those who are bothered by trivial problems. It does not fall into the category of people who take the first step in any situation in business or family circle. They want more attention to themselves. But his kindness is commendable!

C. If the index and ring fingers are equal. Such finger holders are truthful people. They are peaceful, polite and intolerant of conflicts and wars. The only right approach to relationships is one that cuts across seven dimensions. They think very long before they get married and stay loyal to their family. If you want to express your grief to someone, you can pour your insides to the owners of such fingers. Because they can be an ointment for the pain of others, a partner in joy.

If you look at your fingers and don’t notice this similarity in yourself, don’t worry at all. There are exceptions in life. So you are an individual unlike any other!


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