Creative Thinking - Where and how does a new idea come to the human mind?


If you want to move the mountain out of place, start by pushing the small stones aside.
- Chinese folk proverb
An idea or idea it is the product of the creative activity of our mind. Thoughts are born in our minds about solutions to various problems or news. Thoughts are usually formed in the process of looking for a solution to a vital problem. When one thinks about a task, when one is in a difficult situation, one is forced to think. In some cases, a person may have a great idea, even if they don't want to. Many scientists agree that most of them do not sit still when looking for a solution to a problem, but must be on the move. When our bodies are in motion, then the solution to problems comes to our minds easily.

  • What to do for creative thinking?
  • Where and how does the idea come to our minds?
  • How can we generate new ideas in our minds?
  • What must be done for new ideas to come to the human brain?
It turns out that creative ideas can come when a person is walking or sitting on the toilet… "Why is that?" Questions can be tormenting. You will need to think no matter what industry you represent. You try to put into practice the "silent words" that come to your mind. It doesn't matter if you are an artist or a painter, a physicist or a mathematician, an engineer or an architect, a computer programmer or a designer, when you start thinking, a new idea (thoughts) comes to your mind in exactly the field you are interested in. God created man so perfectly that there is a great universe in his inner world as well. When a person begins to think, a solution is found. Any question you want (no matter how complicated it is or no one has found the answer) will be answered one day if you think seriously for days or months. This has been observed in many experiments. Where do thoughts come to the human mind? The question arises.
It is no secret that some people who are engaged in creative work, especially some writers, consume intoxicants. This is because a drunk person forgets other problems and his brain rests. But the consequences are definitely bad. The way to find a solution to a problem If you are looking for a solution to a problem or issue, think while walking a long distance on a flat road. If you think for at least 3 days, more new ideas will come to your mind. If possible, carry a side notebook and a pen as well. If you have a modern smartphone, you can use its note function. Dmitry Mendeleev's desk was quite high, often standing. It is said that he did not write any famous scientific work while sitting. As he stood upright in the room, he wrote down the thoughts that came to his mind. In some other cases, unexpected wonderful ideas may come to the human mind. The most amazing thoughts often come before going to sleep. If a person thinks half-asleep mixed, new ideas can come up about what he is thinking, no matter what. But that doesn’t happen when you wake up in the morning. It also calms the human mind when you go into the bathroom. Even when you think calmly while bathing in warm water, creative thoughts come to mind. Silent music that is pleasing to a person can also inspire a person. Under the influence of a soothing piano or flute tone, a creative mood can emerge. Is eating good for thinking? On an empty stomach, a person’s imagination is in food. A person may have a headache on an empty stomach. For creative thinking, the abdomen should not be too hungry, but at the same time not too dark. You should eat as lightly as possible. Need to eat fruits, vegetables, salads. Fish meat is also very good for the human brain. Eating too much leads to a slowing of thinking, and a person becomes lazy and even tired of thinking. The weather also affects a person’s thinking. Hot air makes a person lazy. The cool air is conducive to mental work. If you notice, many scientists and explorers have grown up in the northern countries - in the cold lands or among the peoples living by the sea. So, for a new idea to come to Adam's mind, the brain needs to be calm and relaxed. Things that come to mind are: at bedtime - before bed, in the bathroom or toilet, while walking, in the sound of quiet music. Moderate weather also helps for mental work.
Psychologists have observed that in the perception of visual images, a connection is established between the perceived character and the words, i.e., a verbalization of the visual experience occurs.
In the process of thinking, one has to move gradually from one chain of thought to another. Sometimes it is therefore impossible to cover from the first thought to the last thought in terms of thinking. However, man has the ability to generalize a long chain of ideas and change it with a single generalizing process.
The process of generalizing thinking operations
The process of generalizing thinking operations is the ability to understand several concepts with one, the ability to use symbols. Some researchers thought that scientific information, which was closing like an avalanche, could eventually lead to a slowdown in the progress of science. They believed that it was necessary to gather the necessary knowledge for a long time before creating. However, the increase in scientific information did not slow down or stop the development of science. The ability to accept it, in part, is due in part to the generalizing mind of man. Using some abstract concepts, man expands his mental range.
The search for similarities is the development of a generalization strategy that is an important condition for the transfer of a skill or idea.
A wide distribution of attention increases the chances of solving the problem. Solving a problem using "foreign" information is like thinking. An example of this can be seen in Archimedes' discovery of the basic law of hydrostatics. If the problem becomes the unchanging goal of the activity, dominating, the contemplative thinking benefits. The ability of the brain to direct the movement of thought, to form excitation in the neural model of the target, and to hold it for a long time is one of the components of ability. The dominant that attracts the external stimulus can be the concept, the imagination, the thought, the problem.
The son of Scottish doctor J. Danlop was having a hard time cycling down a dirt road. Danlop watched his light, springy jump as he watered the garden with a hose. As a result, he was the first to invent a tire.
In all the examples given, contemplative thinking solves the difficult problem precisely because it is dominant, attracting all external stimuli.
The next condition of creative ability is the ease of association and the distance of related concepts, the "distance of meanings" between them. The interconnection of images and concepts is a concrete form of storing them in memory. In the process of thinking, pre-arranged and regulated (during partial perception) information is used. The nature of associative connections, together with current (then) perception, determines and limits the course of the thought process. Words in human memory are grouped into associative groups and are readily used in the process of perception and thinking. Ready-made associative templates save thinking. Without ready associations, thinking becomes disconnected, fragmented, that is, the process of thinking is severely disrupted.
The ability to reject a wrong assumption in time is also part of the flexibility of thinking. If you spend a long time thinking about an interesting but wrong idea, time is wasted. Rejecting the hypothesis too quickly can lead to a loss of opportunity to find a solution. It is very difficult to refute an assumption made as a result of one’s own independent thinking. This can be seen in solving the following experimental task.
In order for an idea to be born, at least two of the images (models) in the mind must be stimulated. The brain puts any idea into this or that specific coded form. Seeing, hearing, words, letters, numbers, etc. in different people. the ability to use codes is different. Data coding is an alternative to the content and structure of the event being reflected. In art and literature, content is illuminated through special ‘coding’. For example, in classical literature. The brain creates an idea through a specific code. If a person tends to use visual imagery, his perception will be stronger. The predominance of acoustic-imaginative imagery is a testament to musical fantasy. The tendency to assimilate being in the form of words and images characterizes poetic fantasy, etc. But this does not make a person an artist, a composer or a poet. These occupations require a holistic set of abilities, skills, as well as personal qualities that help direct skills.
Independent thinking is the ability of a person to have his own views and non-standard solutions to things and events. For example, many people know what a pen is and what it can be used for. It is a writing tool. But if independent, non-standard thinking is allowed, it can be said to have dozens of functions, such as being able to wrap yarn as a pointer, or instead of a counting stick, or like a reel. Hence, independent thinking requires that a person have his own views on things and events, the essence of what is happening in society, expanding the limits of his possibilities of knowledge and understanding.
In the current context of great reforms in Uzbekistan, the presence of independent-minded young people is a requirement of the times, and only people with a personal outlook will be able to develop many projects that will ensure the development of society. One of the main factors of the policy of our President is the development and upbringing of talented people who think deeply and have their own independent worldview. Because the psychology of being dependent on the opinions of others, of following various heresies and foreign ideologies, will undoubtedly lead to the decline of the spirituality of society. It should be noted that although independent thinking is an individual trait of a person at a glance, this trait develops in society, when the environment of human relations is good. That is, if at an early age the child gives a lot of «Why?» "What for?" Factors such as giving appropriate answers to questions such as, encouraging personal opinion, asking the teacher for each student's opinion on a particular issue, and approving timely answers are essential for independent thinking. conditions. Hence, since independent thinking is an ability related to the social environment, the correct communication and sincere environment, which is organized in a group environment, and the effective organization of debates and arguments have a great educational value in this.
Psychologist Marufjon Bahriddinov

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