Why do we sleep a lot and have a headache?


Why do we sleep a lot and have a headache? (https://telegra.ph/file/a9210a3d3db6d1e367875.jpg)?
Because during a long sleep, the body becomes very relaxed. At the same time, vascular tone is also weakened.
How is this related to the headache?

🧠 There are no pain receptors in the brain. They are found in the blood vessels of the brain. When you lower the tone of the arteries, the blood pressure expands and stretches them. Pain receptors that send signals to the brain begin to become nervous, and this is perceived as a headache. In fact, it causes the blood vessels of the head to ache from hyperextension.

🩸 This is usually observed in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia (when the vessels are unable to change their tone in time to meet their needs). In a healthy person, after switching to wakefulness mode, the arteries also become toned and there are no headaches.

Source (https://t.me/biologiya_himiya_istoriy/4884)

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