Oltinsoy sanatorium


Oltinsoy sanatorium is located 80 km north-east of Navoi on the slopes of Oktog. The height of the area is 400m above sea level, the air temperature is from 13C in January to +27.5C in July, the average is 13.1C. The mineral water used for treatment here was found in 1979 by the Sirdarya hydrogeological expedition while searching for drinking water. Mineral waters from wells 1p and 2n are used for treatment of patients in Oltinsoy sanatorium. According to the results of the analysis carried out at the Scientific Research Institute of Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation and "GIDROINGEO" GP laboratories, these waters belong to the group of weakly alkaline soft waters with low mineralization of nitrogen, high temperature silicon sodium sulfate + chloride, and come out with a flow rate of 2l/s. Water contains the following specific components and microelements: radon, fluorine, arsenic, selenium, copper, zinc, etc. in less than normal amounts. These waters are recommended for the treatment of cardiovascular system, nervous system, locomotor system, endocrine system, urinary system, gynecological and skin diseases in the form of a bath, and as a therapeutic kitchen water for gastrointestinal diseases. ECG, UTT and clinical-biochemical laboratory tests are performed in the sanatorium
Qualified doctors to patients in the sanatorium
— gynecologist;
— cardiologist;
— therapist;
— a neuropathologist;
— dentists provide services.

Address: Chilash village, Khatirchi district, Navoi region
Phone: +998987782128
Fax: +998795452201
Email: sihatgoh_oltinsoy@mail.ru

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