Excerpts from the novel "Between Two Doors"


Sharp Hoshimov. Excerpts from the novel Love & Between Two Doors
Excerpts from the novel "Between Two Doors"
There is a saying, "Between truth and falsehood is four latitudes." I wonder why no more, no more, four latitudes? The fact is that the distance between the eye and the ear is four latitudes. Believe in what you see, not what you hear… The goal is… Nachora, not everyone can tell the truth. But even a liar thinks the truth inside…
What do I do if I know that great dishonesty begins with small uncleanness?
There will be strange injustices in the blood of mankind. You immediately notice the change in strangers and ignore your loved one. It's as if someone tied your parents to you. It’s as if they have to live forever for you. Now I noticed that my mother was old, her hair was gray, her eyelids were drooping, and her face was as yellow as a man lying on a bed for years.
Surprisingly, human memory is like a warehouse with a closed door. You walk in front of the warehouse every day. You don't have to worry about your job and look back. When the time comes, a random wind will open the door of the warehouse, and you will involuntarily look inside. Then an interesting situation occurs. Inside the barn, there is nothing more precious than gold, and there are scorpions that will dazzle you with your eyes. The sad thing is that you can’t separate what you want from them… All around you give your life and surround yourself.
… There will be some peaceful enjoyment of a peaceful, prosperous time.
It hurts when a person loses something valuable. When he is slandered, he hits his head on a rock. When Qadri hits the ground, he rebels. It screams when you lose loved ones… But when you lose hope, it is strange. You don’t feel sorry for anything, anyone, even your own worth. Dod solmaysan. You will not rebel… As if you are dead. Qolgan lib lib lib quruq…………
There was a speck of snow on the thatched roofs, and sparks were playing in the bright sky. The patient clings to his bed, hands over his deposit at the end of the revolution, and his face brightens as if he is thankful that he has escaped the sufferings of this world.
Walking through the snow without a trace will be strange. The cabbage is silent. The snow-covered willows on the side of the road, seeing the highs and lows of life, and meditating with their white heads down, like old men accustomed to the calmness of any difficulty.
Is the relationship between loyalty and betrayal so close?
There is no greater suffering in the world than living in fear. It's as if someone is carrying a sword in your head, and you are waiting for that sword to fall on your neck at any moment. Gradually you become so fed up with your soul that you dream that the sword will destroy your body faster than your head. Anyway, if you want to get rid of the torment of Hadith, you want to get rid of the miserable situation like a raven crowing around a thousand times.
… The behavior of a human child is interesting. First of all, the building you built with hope is a bend. It had a twist, it was falling anyway. If you try to block it, you are afraid that it will overwhelm you and tear you to pieces. Because you know that you are the one who caused the collapse of the foundation of that building.
This is what the ancient world has to do with people! Spring is coming, tulips are opening… And people are coming and going. We call the world transient. No, not the world, we are transient. Before spring comes, someone is born, someone dies. Loves someone. Someone slaps someone in the eye…
Amal is like a horse. If you take one out of your hand, you will not be able to reach it in two worlds. The horse will eventually return to its owner. But the practice does not return. He would have already been ridden by someone else. The situation is that not one of those who took you off the action horse, even a thousand times unjustly, will not allow you to ride that horse back. He is afraid to get off the horse.
I do not know. Perhaps human beings are born as angels. But he cannot live as an angel for a lifetime. No one! No one is an angel. He just wants to make himself look white. He cannot be an angel with a thousand attempts. The devils cross his path in such a way that he does not even realize that he has fallen into sin.
… I couldn’t believe I was coming back alive from a battle where death awaited me at every turn. But as the war drew to a close, my hopes began to grow. It seemed to me that when I returned home healthy, the paint would be a real holiday. I go to work in the morning. When I come home in the evening, the food is ready, my hot seat is ready. Is there more happiness to man?
When a person feels too happy, he becomes selfish. He doesn't feel the pain of others.
You become a psychologist after seeing different people. There is a category of complainers: shy, expensive, and even scared. The voice of something insignificant trembles. These are often true.
There is another category. They survive as easily as their old loved ones. He speaks in a low voice. "We know you have children too, and if this is the right thing to do, we won't be in debt," he gestures. He doesn’t even know my wife isn’t there, let alone the baby. But it seems to go into my pocket. True, he does not say that he will pay a bribe, but speaks more bluntly. I'm going to deal with that. I pick up the phone and deliberately dial two numbers. "The police?" when I say that, he either runs away or sings differently.
Perhaps the secret of the thief will not be revealed. Perhaps the secret of the murderer is also unknown. But the betrayal will not go unnoticed. Because betrayal is not done by one person. Of course there will be a partner. The only bad thing is that the person who has suffered from betrayal knows this secret after all. It hurts.
… Such is the nature of man. He doesn't want to remember anything unpleasant. But bad memory is like a wound on a finger. As soon as you move your hand, that cursed wound will accidentally touch somewhere and it will hurt.
It was said that it cuts the bitterness. Sometimes the bitterness is also cut into sweet.
A person can deceive someone. But you can’t fool yourself. The star in the sky can't be cut off!
He who honors the living honors the dead.
It would be a mistake to say that the dead do not remember anything. The memory of the dead will be better than that of the living. Because you run with a thousand worries. And we have nothing to do but remember memories.
What is life? A gift from Tole. But people are different. Someone will share this gift with others. Someone wants to add others. It seems that this will prolong his life. When do they die? How dying!
A Companion who lived for a thousand years said, "Do you know if he came in the door or not?" That's right, baby… No one thinks about dying. But humanity has been given a measure of life. The fact is that a person's life is not measured by how many years he has lived. There are the same people: he does the best he can as he walks in and out of that door. At least one brick is left in the building called Life. There is another type: he wants to steal at least one brick from that building. He steals, he can't go anywhere, and when he goes to the other door, he leaves anyway. In the meantime, the building will be demolished…
Every day, when the sun wakes up, it smiles and shouts: “Can't you live peacefully in your short life? Sometimes you fight for bread, sometimes you fight! Sometimes you fight for space, sometimes you fight for faith? After all, you are all human. You are all my children, and I am your father. I'm tired of seeing you squirming with each other! Do you want to calm down your mother, the Earth? With that in mind
Is he carrying it on his chest? ”
Prepared by Zamira ROZIEVA.
Source: Kashkadarya newspaper website

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