What is the price of IT courses in Tashkent?


What is the price of IT courses in Tashkent?

According to his data, the monthly salary of those working in the field of information and communication in January-March amounted to 9,3 million soums.

(https://www.spot.uz/oz/2023/05/05/it-kurslar/) - "Najot Education" monthly price for 4-11 months is 2,5 million soums;
— "BePro IT Academy" from 1 million to 2 million soums (1-7 months);
— "SOS IT Academy" 700-900 thousand soums (4-9 months);
— "PROWEB" 1,4 million-2,6 million soums (Individual course price) (2-10 months);
— "Astrum IT Academy" 1 million soums during the trial period of 1,5 month, then 18 million soums (12 months);
— "Ilmhub" from 790 thousand to 2,2 million soums (4-9 months)
— "Codecraft" 650 thousand soums (2-7 months);
— "JuniorCode" 540 thousand soums and above (1-10 months);
— "Bobir Akilkhanov Tech Academy" 2,3-2,5 million soums (3-9 months);
— "PDP Academy" 590 thousand 1,4 million soums (2,5-11,5 months);
— "UAcademy" from 1 million to 7 million soums (1-3 months);

Today, there is a high demand for industry specialists in the country. The demand is increasing as well as the supply.

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