Causes of gallstones


Causes of gallstones

1. Age - the incidence of cholelithiasis also depends on age: the probability of the disease increases in people over 50 years old.

2. Belonging to the female gender - the risk of developing this pathology is 2-3 times higher than that of men, which is due to the lithogenic effect of estrogen, that is, the bile becomes darker and more viscous, causing it to sink.

3. Obesity — increases the risk of gallstones by about 20%.

4. Diabetes (risk increases 3 times) — fat metabolism is disturbed and lithogenicity of bile (stone formation) increases.

5. Liver diseases - biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis and liver cirrhosis risk increases 10 times.

6. Rapid weight loss (long-term starvation, strict diets), bariatric interventions (surgery to reduce the size of the stomach increases the chance of developing cholelithiasis up to 30%).

What foods cause gallstones?

• fast food;
• fatty meat;
• fried foods;
• smoked products;
• sugar, as well as other carbohydrates that are quickly digested, for example, carbonated water, pastries;
• lack of kletchatka;
• abuse of fructose by diabetics;
• leguminous products;
• lack of vitamin "C" (lack of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet).

👉 @ilmi_taom

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