How much do NATO countries spend on defense?


How much do NATO countries spend on defense?

The NATO military-political bloc is today the largest military organization and has 29 member countries. According to the NATO Charter, armed forces can be used to protect the interests of member states.

Expenditures on the Armed Forces of Member States:
1. US $ 811 billion;
2. UK $ 72,765 billion;
3. Germany $ 64,785 billion;
4. France $ 58,729 billion;
5. Italy $ 29,763 billion;
6. Canada $ 26,523;
7. Spain $ 14,875 billion;
8. The Netherlands $ 14,378 billion;
9. Poland $ 13,369 billion;
10. Turkey $ 13,057 billion;
27. Albania $ 239 million;
28. Northern Macedonia $ 219 million;
29. Montenegro $ 97 million;

One of NATO's biggest wars is the war in Afghanistan.