Essay of Abdulla Qadiri's Past Days


1. Introduction:
The history of the creation of the novel
2. Main part:
a) Images of Haji Otabek and Yusufbek.
b) Love of Otabek and Kumush.
c) "The past days" is a novel that reflects the reality of life.
3. Conclusion
An important feature of Abdulla Qadiri's work is his appeal to the image of the great events taking place in the nation during the period of historical changes. This quality is especially evident in his large historical prose. Fragments of it were printed in 1922 and published in early 1926, the novel "The Past Days" was dedicated to the "Khan times", which were the darkest days of the recent past. "Bygone Days" was literally an innovator in the literature of all Central Asian peoples in terms of content, form, and style, and created great social interest.
Abdulla Qadiri consciously followed the path of innovation and his research was fruitful. He created the school of Uzbek novelists.
The novel "Bygone Days" was "a small experiment, or rather, a hobby" on the way to get acquainted with modern novels. However, the first novel in Uzbek literature - "The Past Days" was not only the victory of our mature literature in the modern sense of the national literature, but it took an eternal place in the entire Uzbek classical literature. . "Bygone Days" describes the life of Uzbeks and other Central Asian peoples in the first half of the XNUMXth century. Feudal tyranny, the conflicts between the peoples and tribes, the tragic consequences of the rulers, the tragic consequences of this, the misfortunes of the progressive people who saw this tragedy and dreamed of freeing the country from the tyranny of self-interested khans and begs. formed the content of
Due to the fact that Abdulla Qadiri artistically describes the events that are very characteristic of the era and directly related to social development, "Bygone Days" opened a new era in the literature of the Uzbek people and the peoples of Central Asia.
One of the signs of radical changes in Qadiri's work is to evaluate past events from the point of view of the advanced ideology of the time when the work was created. Turkestan strives to overthrow the feudal colonial oppression and build a new independent life.
Abdulla Qadiri, imbued with the spirit of evaluating the past from the point of view of striving for this new life, condemns the feudal era as an era of oppression and miserable humiliation for the workers. Such an assessment of the past is not only enlightening, but also socially and politically important. Striving for a new era is also related to creating a deep understanding of the injustices of the past in the minds of the people. Realizing the social needs of his time, Abdulla Qadiri has the only right path - the path of truthful images. It is characteristic of Abdulla Qadiri that he creates the landscape of life of the period by describing the fate of ordinary people, which is a feature of a mature novel.
"History shows us the events, by the aura, by the scene. It lifts the veil over what is going on inside, so that behind these events the source of the events that are being shown to us is still hidden, as well as how they happen in everyday ordinary life.
The novel refrains from telling historical facts and mentions the events in relation to the private event that forms the content of the novel, but through this personal event, it reveals before our eyes the inner facts of historical events, their background.... The life of the country and the coloring of the work, their customs and peoples are clearly visible in every feature of the historical novel (although this is not its purpose). Therefore, as a historical novel-science, it is the point where history meets art, it is a supplement of history; it is the other side of it.
In his description, Abdulla Qadiri relies on historical facts, even portraying some individuals Khudoyor Khan, Muslimonqul, Azizbek, etc., and gives a description of the period, a "poetic analysis of the life of the society" by describing the fate of the central characters of the novel, Otabek and Kumush. The fate of Otabek and his supporters is very complicated, sometimes tragic. This is especially characteristic of the fate of the main characters of the novel. Through the fate of Otabek, his father Yusufbek Haji, Kumushbibi and others, he takes the reader into the life of almost all social classes of his time.
From Khan Khudoyar Khan to the slave Hasanali, the life of representatives of different classes of society, the relationship between rulers and subjects, women and men, young and old, people's marriages and their relationships with each other are embodied in the work.
Abdulla Qadiri pays special attention to reliable and bright portrayal of characters.
Otabek, Yusufbek Haji, Kutidor, Ziya Shokhchi, Hamid and others from the environment of rich people and merchants; Azizbek, Musulmonqul, O'tabboy Qushbegi and others from the feudal environment; the characters of Usta Olim, Usta Parpi and Hasanali and others from the environment of working people (except for the image of the public) are created very skillfully in the novel. In the description of the characters, the writer tries to show their diversity and dissimilarity in accordance with the reality of life, thereby creating an impression that life is colorful.
If we take only the circle of boys, the characters of Otabek and Hamid are so different that they appear opposite each other. Kumush, Zaynab, Khushroi, Uzbekoyim, Oftoboyim are very different and bright characters from the women, despite belonging to the same social environment and the same gender. Abdulla Qadiri paid great attention to their "naturalness" in the depiction of characters, even in terms of satire, he pointed out that "although there are several ways of laughter in literature... but the most important is the laughter of character."
No matter how innovative the "Gone days" may be, it has not separated from the age-old traditions of national literature, it was written in the spirit of developing the best of them.
It is not for nothing that Abdulla Qadiri compared his novel to "Tahir and Zahra" and "Farhad and Shirin", which have been loved by the peoples of the East for centuries. Abdulla Qadiri was alienated from the form separated from the content, the work written without taking into account the natural needs of the reader, the nonsense and senseless "innovation". In his novel, the writer said to the critics that he did not "depart sufficiently" from the traditions of literature.
As we write for the majority of workers and peasants, we are not afraid of confirmations that "he writes in a new way, according to which we will not give the first issue to this writer."
Laughing at the fact that some representatives of Soviet literature were influenced by various formalistic "currents", A. Qadiriy announced to the magazine "Mushtum" that it is fatal to fall into the path of dry formal "searches" in his poetic comic. The aspects of "Bygone Days" that are connected with classic literature and folk art are the attention to bright people in life, their introduction into the literature as the main characters, and their further "elevation" description, as a result of which Abdulla Qadiri's positive characters are strong. gain attractiveness. Otabek is a progressive person of his time, he thinks about the fate of the country and the people, sees the destructiveness of feudal oppression, looks for ways to get rid of it, and tries to extend a helping hand to the majority of his contemporaries. does. Overcoming the vices of national and religious limitation characteristic of the majority of the people of Qadiri's time, he envied the office style of the "foreign nation" as a positive example, and when he went to Shamay for trade, he saw his office style and wished to have the same office style in Turkestan. wants Zia touches on this issue at a meeting with Shahchi's family. People are surprised by Otabek's honest and sincere words.
My Uzbek mother does not eat a hardened character. In the course of events, under the influence of the environment, changes occur in the mind and nature of this stubborn woman; for example, when he first meets his bride from Margylan, who was once considered "andi" from the backwater, he falls in love with her, hugs her tightly, kisses her on the cheek, cries for some reason, and now Zaynab goes to Kumush.
In the novel, the sophistication and sensitivity of our nation's traditions are more harmonious. Some examples: the picture of Yusufbek Haji's first meeting with Kumush's daughter-in-law is drawn like this: "Kumush was shy and barely greeted and Yusufbek approached Haji and bowed his neck. Haji patted Kumush's shoulder with his hand and kissed Kumush's hand, which he touched."
Kumush not only aroused love and affection in the heart of Otabek, but also warmed the hearts of Uzbek Oyim, Yusufbek Haji, Hasanali and others. Mother Uzbek, Yusufbek pilgrims do not allow Kumush to go to Margilon. Silver also has no desire to leave. Kumush stays with Otabek in Tashkent, despite the pleadings of the sun moon.
It is not difficult to know how hard it was for Kumush to stay in Tashkent. You can imagine how hard it was for Zainab to live in Otabek from the day Kumush arrived, and the words of Haji Yusufbek that we did not know that there was such a bride in Margilon. My Uzbek mother's attitude towards Zainab changes. If he sits down, he is stupid, if he stands up, he is only looking for mistakes and shortcomings. Silver is on everyone's tongue. Kumush and Zaynab's mutual wars put Otabek in a difficult situation. Haji Yusufbek brings Zainab and Kumush into his room and advises them, reconciles them. Otabek's bitter words that if these conflicts continue, he will give answers to one of the two of you, had a strong impact on Zainab. Because Zainab knew how much Otabek loved Kumush. These words of Otabek seemed to be spoken to Zaynab.
Especially when she saw the scene of Zaynab's feminine honor and sensuality being insulted, in the agony of unrequited love, and the person she did not love throwing herself into the arms of Otabek, kissing and hugging the "lifeless statue", Zaynab knew that she had such heartache. The student feels sorry for him.
Otabek, Yusufbek Haji, Uzbek Oyim, who discovered Kumush's pregnancy, grow a new veil in their relationship with Kumush. Hearing this, Zainab, who had previously endured the calamity of the daily life, will be even more saddened by this news.
We cannot make it easy for Zainab, Kumush, or Otabek. We see and understand that their fate is complicated and their happiness is ruined because of their parents' dreams, and we feel sorry for it. In the environment of daily life, Zainab, who is empty and quiet, gradually recognizes her "right" and becomes an avenger. However, he has not yet reached the level of a murderer. Perhaps, if Khushroi, his lover, had not opened his eyes to him, had he not "realized his identity" to himself, he would have spent a lifetime in reconciliation with Kumush. So, Khushroi, whom Zainab had made fun of, is the cause of Kumush's downfall to a certain extent. However, the writer does not openly condemn this woman either. On the contrary, he impartially describes his sajiya, which is sharply different from Zainab's, draws his inner and outer appearance, shows his unique belief in life. At the same time, we cannot fully justify Khushroi's rebellious motherly behavior. A family built on the ruins of someone else's family cannot be called a real family, the happiness found at the cost of cruelty cannot be called true happiness... The strength of Qadiri's realism lies primarily in the fact that it shows life, people's lives, fate, nature, the beliefs they follow with all their complexity and contradictions. .
One winter day, Kumush, who has reached the moon and day, while suffering from pain, orders the Uzbek mother Zainab to make a slurry. Taking advantage of this favorable situation, Zainab injects poison into the slurry. Silver's eyes light up. The voice of a newborn baby is heard in Yusufbek Haji's family. At one such time, Otabek dreams and is very worried about his dream. Otabek was overjoyed to hear that he had a son. Yusufbek Haji's happiness was beyond the reach of the world. It is difficult to know the pain, sorrow and anger that Zainab is going through. This happiness did not last long. The Uzbek woman finds herself in a difficult situation when she sees that Kumush's penis is throbbing. Otabek was proud of being a father, but when he saw Kumush's suffering, he asked what he ate. Then they showed the slurry, the doctor examined the slurry and said that Kumush was poisoned.
The whole family was silent for a moment. Otabek asked who made the atala, he was told that Zainab did the atala. Otabek called Zainab in a rage, yelled at her that she was a slave. Zainab pulled herself aside. Otabek divorced Zainab three times. At that moment Yusufbek Haji came from the door. He said to Zainab, get out of here, sorry for your wife.
Another bright national picture that makes a person shiver: Silver is lying on his deathbed due to poisoning. His father-in-law Yusufbek Haji Kumush sat next to him. The bride's eyes are closed, her hair is disheveled over her face. Haji fixes the bride's hair, puts his hand on her forehead, and says "Mother... mother". In such a tight situation, it is natural for an elderly man, the father-in-law to come to the bride and straighten her disheveled hair, put his hand on her hair and ask how she is doing. Despite this, Kumush opened her eyes and looked at her and recognized... and tried to stir. Look, the unconscious bride suddenly came to her senses and recognized her father-in-law.
Kumush's condition worsened and he passed away after severe bloody vomiting. Questions arise as to what happened to Zainab. He not only put an end to Kumush's life, but also put an end to his happy and unhappy day. He became a madman and wandered around cemeteries thinking that I was Silver.
Otabek went to Margilon with his son Yodgor.
Summarizing the events of the novel "Past Days", every reader who reads the novel can enjoy positive characters such as Otabek, Kumush, Yusufbek Haji, Kutidor, Oyum Oftob. Throughout the work, he knows that the fate of negative characters with bad intentions, such as Zainab, Khushroi, and Hamid, will always end up in this situation. When you read the novel "Bygone Days", it seems that a musical melody is playing under your ears, corresponding to the spirit of the events. These tones evoke different moods in the language of the reader.
So, the novel "Bygone days" is a monument of unique beauty full of mystery and magic, embodying various aspects of life's realities.

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