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Ahmad Yugnaki. The work "Hibat ul-haqaiq".
Lesson plan:
The role of Ahmad Yugnaki in the history of Uzbek literature.
"Hibat-ul Hagayik" is a Turkish didactic epic.
The educational value of the work "Hibat-ul Haqayyq".
Key words and phrases: Scientist and poet, Turkish-speaking creator, "A gem of truths", A. Navoi's works, manuscript copies of the work, chapters of the work, the advantage of knowledge, language etiquette, generosity and stinginess.
In the period of the Karakhanids, a certain stability and economic-cultural development is noticeable in the social-political life. As a result of this, Yusuf Khos Hajib's "Qutaggu Bilig" (1069-1070) and Mahmud Kashgari's "Devoni lug'otit - Turk" (1072) were created. Ahmad Yugnaki's work "Hibat-ul Haqayyq" is also one of the fruits of cultural upsurges during the Karakhanid era. It was written in the XNUMXth century. There is not enough information about Ahmad Yugnaki and his works. Some messages are contained in the book itself.
Adib Ahmed, my name, adab, my word of praise,
My word stays here, it's me.
So, the author introduces himself as Ahmed. Adib refers to his creativity. Perhaps this people lived in Yugnak. Alisher Navoi gives important information about Adib Ahmad in his work "Nasayim-ul Muhabbat".
"Adib Ahmad is also a member of the Turkish elite. What is strange (wonderful) in A's work is mankuldur (narrated). It is said that the eyes are closed (one, closed) and it is not visible, it is like an eye. But a person who is very intelligent and smart and ascetic and muttaqi (pious, dieter) is a man...
Haq subhanahu ta'ala is a creator whose outward eyes are closed, but the eyes of his heart are enlightened."
These thoughts are also confirmed by the verses of "Hibatul - haqayyq":
"The eye of the writer does not see the earth".
Alisher also reports that Navoi Ahmed Yugnaki settled in one of the villages around Baghdad and used to walk to the famous Imam Azam's lessons.
But the identity of this Imam Azam is not clear. Imam Azam, famous in history, lived in Baghdad in the XNUMXth century. But since Ahmad Yugnaki lived in the XNUMXth century, it is possible to imagine that he is talking about another person here.
Alisher Nawai's comments, as well as the wide spread of copies of the work with Uyghur and Arabic letters, show that Hibat ul-haqaiq was very popular even during Nawai's lifetime.
The book is dedicated to Dod Sipohsolarbek.
Adib notes that it was written in the "Kagarcha language".
"Hibat ul-haqaiq" means "Beloved Truths" in modern language.
Consistently and creatively continues the traditions of didactic literature of Ahmad Yugnaki. Enlightenment ideas play a leading role in the work.
The work consists of 14 chapters. It consists of 254 verses. The work has both traditional and devotional elements. then the praise of knowledge and the harm of ignorance, manners of speech and restraint, generosity and avarice are discussed.
Literary science pays special attention to enlightenment. Knowledge glorifies learned people, ignorance and ignorance are considered among the phenomena that destroy human dignity.
Bahalik dinar is a person of knowledge
This is an ignorant, uneducated person, -
That is, a knowledgeable person is like a high-priced dinar-gold.
An ignorant person is like a worthless fruit.
The author says that educated and ignorant people are never equal, the difference between them is clearly visible. He even sarcastically points out that he will be among educated men and women, on the contrary, among ignorant men and women. Of course, here spiritual phenomena are counted among physical forces. It is emphasized that knowledge gives a person strength and power.
According to Adib, first of all, a person should think and understand a word.
If you speak, think and speak knowingly.
Then a person will be valuable and respected in the eyes of the people. The speaker should be seen by others.
For this, a person should study, read, speak, and not be in a hurry when speaking and when others are speaking. If he behaves on the contrary, it is better to refrain from speaking. Because if a word that needs to be hidden gets out of hand, it will not force the head to hide.
Uqub is a word for a word, and not a word,
Be careful with your words, don't be afraid.
Listen to the word, don't talk hastily (in vain),
Hide your words, then don't hide your head.
Akhmed Yugnaki has thoroughly mastered the creations of his predecessors.
The use of words is a fine art. This is the first prerequisite knowledge and knowledge that is easily available to everyone. An educated person also knows the norms of using words, and he has a good sense of subtlety in the meaning. Without knowledge, he does not pay attention to the word, he is deprived of feeling the effect of the meaning expressed in it on the human soul, on the spiritual world. Everyone can see the blindness in the language.
In particular, talking a lot, especially mixing false words, according to Ahmad Yugnaki, is qabohat.
Similar to Yusuf Khos Hajib, Ahmad Yugnaki has separated special chapters on language etiquette in his book. One of them is called "Restriction of the tongue and manners". The next one is called "On Madness, Injury of the Tongue and its Prevention."
Ahmad Yugnaki has a special place in the history of national Turkish literature, including Uzbek literature. He made a great contribution to the development of didactic literature after Yusuf Khos Hajib.
Through his small (more than 500 verses) work "Hibat ul-haqaiq", Hajman promoted the qualities that can have a positive effect on the spiritual maturity of a high person.
Examples corresponding to the form of qasida and ghazal, murabba' and quatrain genres, and masnavi form are found in the work.
There are many images related to cattle breeding in Yugnaki's work:
Sobgakteg still without knowledge
A roe cannot be served without marrow.
Here it refers to a bone without marrow in a person without knowledge. It is expressed through this image that an ignorant person is ignored by others, just as a bone without marrow is not touched.
Control questions
What information did Alisher Navoi give about Ahmad Yugnaki?
What is the meaning of "Hibat-ul Haqayyq"? Why this name to the work of literature
do you think you put it?
Questions and assignments
Tell us about the composition of the work
Explain the poet's thoughts about knowledge and knowledge.
Let's find out what kind of thinking exists between Adib Ahmed and Yusuf Khos Hajib