What is glee? Can it be treated?


What is glee? Can it be treated?

Glaucoma is not only a problem of appearance, but also a violation of the child's ability to see. That is, the sick child sees one object as two. This is a huge obstacle to aiming, there are 2 people coming straight at you and you can tell which one is the real one by closing one eye👁️

Glaucoma can occur as a result of congenital, nervous diseases, fetal intoxications and other eye diseases: myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism. 🟡

It is mainly treated in the pre-school period, because after leaving school, there is a high probability of receiving a severe psychological condition from those around you, the later it is taken to a doctor, the more difficult it is, because over time, z will adapt to this thing and it will be difficult to correct it🔴

Your doctor was with you @oculomotori🫡

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