Categories of ethics, moral principles, norms. Moral mentality of the peoples of the world


The main categories of the science of ethics,
moral principles, standards. Moral mentality of the peoples of the world.
1. The main categories of the science of ethics.
2. Moral principles, standards.
3. Moral mentality of the peoples of the world.
Normative concepts of morality have their own characteristics, which are as follows: firstly, the concepts of morality are objective in terms of their content. In them, the behavior and actions of people, regardless of the consciousness and will of the evaluating subject, are specifically reflected; secondly, the categories of morality are subjective according to the form of realization. Because they appear as an internal belief that the subject has the ability to independently choose between good and evil, selfishness and nobility; thirdly, most of the categories of morality have a polar, opposite character, such as good and evil, justice and injustice, happiness and unhappiness, etc.
Basic concepts of ethics:
difference and contrast between morality and immorality
expresses its resistance in a holistic form.
Justice is the truth of equality and the necessity of awarding
measure "justice is behavior in accordance with the law".
the moral attitude of a person to society or to a person
represents From doing wrong actions out of a sense of duty
Invisible but huge and absolutely innocent
is a moral phenomenon. Conscience is in the heart
a requirement of faith in humanity
Goodness and evil belong to somewhat general concepts of moral consciousness and express the difference and opposition of morality and immorality in a holistic form. People use these categories to evaluate all the events that happen around them. Human behavior, moral quality, forms of communication and interaction of people, groups, depending on the assessment of the general state of society, these categories are more concrete concepts, principles, norms, moral quality. Good and evil are mutually relational and at the same time polar and mutually exclusive categories.
The category of good is a set of ideas about things that correspond to the moral ideal. Evil is a set of ideas about everything that contradicts the ideals of people, the things they respect, that hinders the achievement of happiness, the settlement of relationships between people, and the growth of humanity. The categories of good and bad are changeable relative and dynamic.
Another overarching criterion concept of ethics is justice. Justice is the true and necessary measure of equality. According to Socrates, "justice is behavior in accordance with the law." Justice is the behavior accepted in a certain moral system, consistent with the concept of moral duties and obligations of people. Its main difference from good and evil and good and bad is that justice itself does not understand any value, but determines the ratio between values, has the status of evaluating them. Therefore, it has the nature of regulating society, it embodies both moral and legal requirements. It can also be called a quantity measure in a certain sense: it is a scale that measures reward against demand. Where there is justice, there is no way to social oppression and poverty.
The standard nature of justice is immediately noticeable, especially in law. But it is not correct to interpret justice only as a legal concept. It includes not only relations between citizens, but also the criterion of relations between the state and the people, society and the individual. It is no coincidence that the ideal of a just king has existed among the people for thousands of years.
One of the most influential concepts of ethics is conscience. The concept of conscience was first introduced by representatives of the Stoic school. According to them, conscience is a person's moral assessment and control of his own behavior from the point of view of certain moral norms, analyzing his actions and the feelings and experiences related to these actions. . Conscience is a sense of responsibility towards something that is necessary. Conscience – According to Sigmund Freud, the superego is the second higher ego that controls and directs the ego. If the feeling of shame comes from a person's external dependence on society, conscience shows his internal dependence on himself. This internal connection is deeper and more permanent than the external connection: shame is the embarrassment caused by one's own wrongdoing at a given time, while guilt is a simple right. not ignorance, but the demand of belief in humanity in the heart, in a person. As long as it is not satisfied, the pain will never stop.
Conscience is evaluative, like some other ethical concepts. But this evaluation is never focused on the object, it evaluates the actions of the subject, that is, the subject acts as an internal object for itself. Conscience is an invisible, but huge and absolutely blameless moral phenomenon.
Another important criterion concept is duty. This concept was introduced into the science of ethics by Democritus, according to whom duty is the inner motive of human action. an act of faith is moral. A person should refrain from wrongdoing not out of fear, but out of a sense of duty.
Duty represents a person's moral relationship to society or to a person. This objective is the inner spiritual need to fulfill the requirements of the existing society, the need for certain behavior required by the needs of social happiness.
Duty, in essence, is the attitude of a certain individual towards society, the state and individuals, the obligation to them. It is closely related to concepts such as conscience, faith and responsibility. At the heart of every action of a person in life lies the concept of duty - loyalty to duty or betrayal. There are comprehensive concepts of duty, such as human duty, Muslim duty, Christian duty, and filial duty, common to all eras, as well as journalistic duty. Another characteristic of the concept of duty is its specificity in time and society. Duty goes against many of a person's desires: it deprives him of pleasure and pleasures of life.
Another criterion concept is honor and dignity. Honor and dignity are the highest human qualities. They believe that life loses its meaning without them. "Killing oneself is better than living without honor and dignity." "When a person is born or dies, loses his money, his house, it is not sad, because all these things are not characteristic of a person.
If a person loses his real property, his human dignity, this is sad and pitiful." The category of honor represents a person's understanding of his value in society and the recognition of this value by society. dignity reveals the attitude of a person to himself and the attitude of society to him, which expresses moral assessment and evaluation of a person himself.
On the one hand, the concept of honor is related to duty, and on the other hand, it is related to the concept of dignity. After all, honor is essentially determined by a person's realization of his own value, recognition of this value by society or not. Sometimes it is limited by the concept of or. But in fact, honor is a rather narrow concept, relatively innocent. A person who speaks Oriyat means a person who goes beyond his words and stands above the favors given in the form of charity. A dishonest person is a surbetnamo person who does not care about what is said in his honor. And the stone of honor is heavy - it has a social character, it is comprehensive. In the path of honor, a person can even die. All this comes from a sense of self-respect, self-control in order not to lose the respect of those around you.
According to Piroch, a representative of the school of Stoics, who lived in the III century BC, happiness brings happiness to passions, indifference to all joys and sorrows.
In fact, happiness is a high level of spiritual satisfaction and realization of this feeling from the abundance of one's creative forces, from their use for social and personal purposes.
Every young person should think about it. There is a deep meaning in the phrase "a bird was created for flight, and a person was created for happiness". After all, while a human child lives in a bright world, his ideas about his happiness are different. If you look at life with a picture, you will see various incidents: someone lightens the burden of others and is happy about it, while others do evil and cool his heart burning with envy.
A humane scientist feels happy about how his discoveries have benefited people and is satisfied with his happiness, while a creature in human form who develops and tests a weapon of mass destruction is half-savage at the thought that he can dry the pillow of hundreds of thousands of people. makes "presence". You see, people are happy in their own way, but their ideas of happiness are different, even contradictory.
The concept of happiness has many meanings and is related to the individuality of each person. As a result of delusions about happiness and the means to happiness, what a person thinks he wants is happiness can actually lead him to unhappiness. But, despite the fact that everyone's happiness is unique, they all have something in common in terms of aspirations and needs. The philosopher says that it is happiness that saves a person from crime, not "clever" statements about morality. But he does not mean the luxurious happiness of the nobles, but the happiness of the common people, the happiness of the masses, the happiness of enjoying the necessary prosperity that comes after the work done.
One of the principles of ethics is related to the idea of ​​humanity. In fact, we use this word a lot these days. At this point, the question arises as to why humanity remains one of the main principles of morality. The first reason for this is the opportunity to build a humane and democratic society due to independence. In order to turn this possibility into reality, there is a need to solve two important issues.
The first of them is to clear the minds and thinking of people from the complications of the authoritarian regime, its inhuman ideas, and the principle of individual ideology. There are a number of ways to achieve this. the most important thing is the formation of social relations in the new society in accordance with the fundamental interests of the person. In this case, the humanitarian and democratic principles of the national idea are the main point and cohesive force that determines the harmony of the interests of man and society.
The second reason is that in the principle of humanitarianism, along with universal principles, the nation's thinking, mentality and way of thinking, diversity of views are mutually harmonized. This process is manifested in the development of our country in harmony with stability and security issues. It is no coincidence that the issue of humanitarianism is gaining priority in the years of independence when thinking about the universal principles of the national idea. It is known that many Eastern and Western thinkers have expressed their views on humanitarianism.
The first fact is that a nation has its own characteristics and mentality. They are the main source for the development and prospects of the nation. A nation that does not follow the path of development based on its principles will lose its identity in the long run. Taking it into account, it can be said that its implementation is the law of development of the nation based on its own foundations.
Second, the law of succession applies to national development, as in any other process. Its content is that all processes do not appear by themselves, but they are related to the previous ones that exist in this direction. On its basis, a new one begins to form, based on the acceptance of elements that can serve for further development. This process is the law of succession.
It applies not only to the development of a nation based on its foundation, but also to all processes. This succession is a characteristic feature of legitimacy. Its importance for national development is that it serves to strengthen the balance of opportunities for the development of the nation based on its own principles.
The harmony of these two laws is essential in the formation of the national idea.
Of course, the foundations of the national idea are not limited to the narrow territory of the nation. At the same time, the world relies on the progress made.
That is why President Islam Karimov defined the following four basic principles of social development after our country gained its independence. These are:
— commitment to universal values;
— to strengthen and develop the spiritual heritage of our people;
— free expression of one's capabilities;
- such as patriotism.
It can be seen that the principles of morality are combined with universal human values.
- Based on these principles, the basic principles of morality are formed. So what is this principle?
A principle is a concept that means a strictly applicable rule and norm of a doctrine, worldview or activity.
In this sense, there are specific principles of morality, on the basis of which the actual tasks of national development are being implemented.
The main principles of ethics are:
— national consciousness, orientation of national thinking and formation of national identity;
— aimed at uniting the nation;
— represents the interest of the nation;
— to be the basis for the strengthening and development of advanced national customs, traditions and values;
- to be the basis for the formation and strengthening of national pride, pride and responsibility; to be the basis for the formation of a single Motherland mentality among the population of our multi-ethnic country;
— to be a spiritual and spiritual source of national heritage, preservation of historical memory, assimilation and transmission to the next generation;
— that it is aimed at forming the spiritual and spiritual potential of patriotism, nationalism, patriotism and universal humanity in our youth;
— to reflect the status of our nation as an independent subject;
— to be a moral and spiritual support for the freedom, independence and development of our nation;
- to organize the representatives of the nations and peoples who live side by side with our nation, to live peacefully with them, to respect them, to show them support, to strengthen cooperation, and on the basis of them, the feeling of a single nation of Uzbekistan to be the source of their formation;
-giving spiritual and spiritual strength and inspiration to make a worthy contribution to the modern civilizations of our nation;
— To be the theoretical basis for forming and strengthening the spirit of national security and national development in the people of Uzbekistan;
— represents the ideal of a perfect person.
The national idea is a product of national consciousness and thinking. As a result of their development, the awareness of national identity arises. National thinking is the manifestation of the nation's way of life, characteristics and activities, its goals and interests in the national consciousness.
National consciousness is an indicator of the nation's development on the basis of its identity, while national self-awareness is the internal spiritual and spiritual potential that moves to protect interests.
In fact, an idea that does not follow the triad of national consciousness, national thinking, and awareness of national identity, does not reflect it, or is not directed to its development and strengthening, cannot claim the status of a national idea. Because these three are the real expression of the nation's existence. The national idea is the highest manifestation of national consciousness and national thinking, a sign of its transformation into reality. Only as a result of their interaction, the factor of national identity is formed and the "I" of the nation emerges. The nation is not formed by itself, but it is the fruit of the historical development of the society. In order for it to reach the status of a full-fledged nation, each ethnic unit must understand the uniqueness of the national language, culture, customs, traditions, values, that is, its national identity.
It is through this identity that the national idea is manifested. The national idea strengthens the identity, and serves as the main factor in its transformation into the worldview of the representatives of the nation. This process, in turn, leads to the emergence of national harmony.
In this sense, its most important principle is aimed at uniting the nation.
National unity will be strong only if national interests are firmly expressed in the national idea. In this sense, the power of the national idea is determined by the full expression of national interests.
Another principle of the national idea is that it is the basis for the strengthening and development of national customs, traditions and values. They express the uniqueness of the nation at the highest level. Its strengthening and development will depend on the national idea.
The formation of feelings such as national pride, honor and responsibility is also related to the national idea.
National pride is an inner state of mind that occurs as a result of each person's self-awareness as a representative of the nation. This sentimental motherland, from the material and spiritual heritage left by their ancestors, from the contribution of their nation to the world civilization, from the achievements of their country in development, the value of their nation in front of other nations, is the feeling of the soul rising from the prestige.
National pride is the mood of the representative of each nation to be proud of the achievements of his nation in all directions of development.
National responsibility is the ability of the representative of each nation to feel that he is responsible for his nation today, tomorrow and its future.
These feelings are based on the national idea. Its main task is determined by the fact that it is aimed at forming these feelings. Because they are the main factor in the progress and rise of every nation.
Today, when humanity's intelligence is increasing, and the scope of global problems, the solution of which is complex, is expanding, the national idea is not narrow interests, but serves to form a single sense of the Motherland by expressing the interests of all the peoples living in the country. Of course, the formation of a common sense of the Motherland does not lead to the destruction of the characteristics of each nation, but to the formation of the national psyche. The spirit of the single Motherland leads to the formation of a feeling of patriotism, ownership and responsibility for its future not only in the representatives of the nation named after the country, but also in the representatives of other nations and peoples living in it. That is why the national idea is today the basis for harmonizing the interests of one nation and the whole nation.
The national idea is a spiritual source of national heritage, preservation of historical memory, assimilation and passing them on to the next generation. It fulfills the task of "protecting" the nationalities in this spiritual and spiritual potential, giving them strength. At the same time, it feeds the representatives of the nation with national-spiritual wealth, and forms in them the mentality of preserving their heritage and passing it on to the next generation.
In this process, the national idea, on the one hand, is a factor of preserving national-spiritual wealth, and on the other hand, it also serves to connect generations of the nation. The factor of nationalism present in it connects the generations to each other in a spiritual and spiritual way, and thus the national idea is the main factor in giving eternal life to the national heritage and historical memory.
The basis of the national idea, national heritage and historical memory, plays the role of a source in the formation of not only national identity, but also qualities such as high will and faith in the representative of the nation. As President Islam Karimov noted, "A person with historical memory is a strong-willed person... Regardless of who he is, if every member of the society knows his past well, such people cannot be led astray, influenced by various beliefs." cannot be obtained. The lessons of history teach people to be alert and strengthen their will."
The formation of feelings such as patriotism, nationalism, patriotism and universality among the youth of the country is also an important principle of the national idea. Because, more than any other ideas, it embodies subtle feelings that affect the soul, heart and mind of any self-aware person. In particular, when a person realizes himself, he asks himself questions such as who am I, who are my descendants, what nationality do I belong to, where is my motherland, and seeks answers from the national idea and its great foundations. No other idea can answer those questions.
Another principle of morality is related to the fact that one person has different characteristics and cannot accept the spiritual and spiritual state of others. The fact that the spiritual and spiritual potential of one nation cannot be duplicated in the form and content of another gives each of them a unique individuality. This individuality is expressed in the national idea. This ensures the status of each nation as an independent entity. Unique individuality represents the beauty of national-spiritual development, and through their advanced aspects, universal spiritual wealth is created.
Another of the main principles of morality is the freedom of the nation, which is a spiritual and spiritual source for ensuring its independence. will be Because it not only gives the nation the status of an independent subject, but also ensures that its independent development becomes a necessity and a need.
The ideas of true national development always reflect the principles of justice, equality, peace and democracy. They are the most essential needs of every nation. Because, where justice is violated, where there is conflict, inequality, distrust, where there is no peace, where there is chaos, where there is no democracy, it will not be possible to create the opportunity for a person to breathe freely.
It can be seen that each of them are necessary factors for the nation's perspective. In this sense, the national idea should embody them and serve to become the main indicators of national development.
They are universal aspects of any progressive national idea. A national idea deprived of them cannot rise to the level of a truly national idea.
Morality is characterized by a harmonious reflection of the interests and needs of the nation and universal principles. It is not contrary to universal principles, but is formed on its basis. That is, the principles of the national idea are not formed on the basis of universal principles, on the contrary, universal principles are formed due to the advanced aspects of national principles that meet the interests and needs of all peoples.
Moral standards
Moral standards and their practical importance.
Moral standards are also very important in human life. They are rather simple, non-generalized, and narrow in scope compared to the principles. They can also be called the bolts of realization of certain moral principles in our daily life, they are realized as the simplest form of moral requirements. Standards such as honesty, truthfulness, honesty, politeness, modesty, and modesty are especially noteworthy.
Honesty and truthfulness. First of all, it should be said that halal should not be understood in its initial narrow religious meaning in the sense of which food is haram and which is halal. It has already become a universal standard. Honesty and truthfulness are related to the concept of conscience, standards that require that a person's attitude towards others be as pure as his attitude towards himself.
Among the dozens of standards, the reason why we are the first to focus on these two is that during the colonial period, especially during the quarter of a century when the Soviets ruled, vices such as lies, deception, impurity, impurity, and hypocrisy were so prevalent in our people. so masterfully inculcated that most people today even laugh at honesty and truthfulness. I have lost the ability to speak, beautiful words on paper do not correspond to life. But all this, unfortunately, is taken for granted. Therefore, the fight against these evils began from the first days of our independence. Currently, our state is working considering the restoration of national-spiritual values, calling people to be honest, fair and just as an important part of its internal policy. After all, societies and nations that hardly know what lies, deceit, and hypocrisy are flourishing before our eyes. These include countries such as Japan, Germany, France, USA, Great Britain.
Honesty. When it came to Plato, we mentioned his opinion that justice is a characteristic virtue of the state. In fact, justice essentially manifests itself in the way the state treats the citizen, and society treats the individual. According to Bourdieu, when he talks about reciprocal justice, he usually refers to the relationship of a historical person of a higher rank to a person of a lower rank. Honesty appears as a narrow, specific view of this justice. It is the norm of mutual relations between citizens and members of society.
Honesty, like honesty, is related to the concept of conscience, in a certain sense it is similar to honesty. But this is a superficial impression. Because honesty means to separate one's rights and rights, that is, one's material and spiritual rights, without betraying the rights and rights of others. Honesty is one step ahead of honesty in positivity: in it, a person gives up his honest rights and rights at the expense of others; Taking into account that the condition of the "other" is extremely difficult and worse than his own, he voluntarily gives his legal rights and rights or a part of them to another, shows mercy.
After all, the moral standards of honesty and benevolence contribute to the redistribution of the material wealth produced by the society among its members on the basis of personal initiative, painlessly, without violating the legal conditions, and contribute to the further prosperity of the society.
Moral behaviors such as cheerfulness, sweetness, modesty, modesty are very important from the point of view of norms. Because the level of each society is determined by the high level of culture of its citizens. After all, a happy, sweet person does not look at each of his failures as a tragedy, does not seek to transfer his bad mood to others with pain or anger; does not violate the surrounding moral environment. As a result, he gives himself and others a cheerful mood, a life-giving hope that means the transience of various misfortunes. Society always respects such people and strives to follow their example.

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