Database about the moon


Database about the moon?
Perimeter: -2,413,402 km
(0.016 AB)
Eccentricity: -0.0554
Perigey: -363,104 km
(0.0024 AB)
Apogey: -405,696 km
(0.0027 AB)
Sideric period: -27.32166155 days
(27 days 7 hours 43.2 minutes)
Synodic period: -29.530588 days
(29 days 12 hours 44.0 minutes)
Average orbital speed: -1.022 km / h
Maximum orbital speed: -1.082 km / h
Minimum orbital speed: -0.968 km / h
Limitation: between -28.60 ° and 18.30 °
(below 5.145396 ° to the ecliptic)
Orbital node length: 18.6 circle in -1
Perigey's argument: 8.85 circle in -1
The center of the axis: - Earth

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