Eshon Boboxon ibn Abdulmajidxon (1860-1957)


Eshan Babakhan ibn Abdulmajidkhan (1860 - Tashkent - 1957) - Mufti, Sheikh. Ziyovuddin Khan ibn Eshan is the father of Babaho. Born into a priestly family. He received his first knowledge from his grandfather, Sheikh ul-Islam Ayub Khan ibn Yunus Khan. He then studied at the Mir Arab Madrasa in Bukhara.

He had a deep knowledge of aqeedah, fiqh, tafsir and hadith and was known as a representative of the Naqshbandi sect. He was one of the founders and the first chairman of the Central Asian and Kazakh Muslim Religious Board, the Mufti (1943-57).

Eshan Babakhan ibn Abdulmajidkhan (1860 as the head of the religious department, taking into account the demands and needs of the believers, directed the activities of the department to the front to suppress fascism, to protect international peace.

Eshan Babakhan ibn Abdulmajidkhan (1860 was buried near the mausoleum of Qaffol Shoshi in Tashkent.

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