How much does it cost to travel on the subway in our country and abroad?


How much does it cost to travel on the subway in our country and abroad?

The subway is the cheapest means of transportation that brings people closer. The largest metro in Central Asia is located in Tashkent. The longest metro in the world is 743 km (Shanghai) and the longest is 472 (New York).

Metro prices in countries:
- Uzbekistan - $ 0,13;
- USA - $ 2,75;
- Kazakhstan - $ 0,19;
- Russia - $ 0,83;
- China (Shanghai) - from $ 0,46 to $ 2,32;
- United Kingdom (London) - $ 2,08 to $ 27,45;

In London, Shanghai and similar city subways, the cost of using the subway varies depending on the route traveled and what time of day it is.