Hunters and birds


A hunter set a trap in the net at the edge of the tree. A flock of birds caught in a trap deceived by the grain under the net.
When the hunter came to find out about the snare traps, the birds that hung on him flew away, lifting the net as well. The hunter, astonished that the birds were one body and one soul, carrying the net and the snare, began to chase after them.
On the way he met a man. He asked the hunter why he was running so fast. The hunter, on the other hand, pointed to the birds flying in the sky and said he wanted to catch them. The man laughed:
"May God give you wisdom, can you ever reach the birds that fly in the world?" He said.
"That's enough," he said. "If there was only one bird in the trap, I couldn't reach it, but you see, there are many." So I get there.

It was as the hunter had said. As evening fell and the sky darkened, each of the birds wanted to go to their nest. Some would pull the trap into the woods, while others would pull it toward the lake. Some climbed the mountain, others climbed the forest. As a result, no one said anything. Trapped, they all fell to the ground.
The hunter came and caught them all.
It was when the poor birds knew the proverb, "United united, unified pure," that they all flew to one side and did not fall into the hands of the hunter.

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