Melville Dewey


Melville Dewey is one of the most famous figures in the field of cataloging and library activities, creating a decimal classification system. Born in New York in 1851, he began working in the school library to cover his expenses during his years at Amhers College. Melville, who thus entered the library business, worked as a librarian until graduating from university. Over the years, he has experimented with many cataloging and library fund creation methods, and then creates his own decimal classification. In 1876, Dewey even helped create the American Library Association. In 1882 he was appointed head of Columbia University, and in 1888 director of the New York State Library. He then served as secretary of the American Library Association until 1890, and from 1890-93 as president of the association. During this period he founded the School of Library Economics. Retired in 1906, he is known in the history of librarianship as the "Father of Modern Librarianship."

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