Tanakan syrup


💧 Tanakan syrup

📜 Basic information about the drug.
1 ml of solution contains: active substance: 40 mg of standardized ginkgo biloba extract containing 24% ginkgo glycosides and 6% ginkgolides-bilobalides (Egb 761).

excipients: sodium saccharin, soluble orange essence, soluble lemon essence, 95% ethyl alcohol, purified water.

📝 Trade name of the drug:
Tanakan EGb761

🧬 Pharmacological group:
other drugs for the treatment of dementia.

💧 Dosage form:
solution for ingestion.

⁉️ Description:
a distinctive fragrant solution of brownish-orange color, giving an almost clear, fragrant solution when dissolved in water.

👉 Application:
cognitive and neurosensory deficits of various genesis (except Alzheimer's disease and dementia of various etiologies); disorder, ringing in the ears, mainly dizziness of vascular genesis and impaired coordination; Used in Raynaud's disease and syndrome.