The most expensive budget movies in the world


The most expensive budget movies in the world

The most expensive movies in the world:
1. "Pirates of the Caribbean: In Unknown Water Currents" (2011):
- Budget: $ 378,5 million;
- Collected: $ 1 billion 46 million;

2. The Avengers: The Ultron Age (2015):
- Budget: $ 365 million;
- Collected: $ 1 billion 403 million;

3. Pirates of the Caribbean: The End of the World (2007):
- Budget: $ 300 million;
- Collected: $ 961 million;

But the most popular movie is "Titanic" (1997):
- Budget: $ 200 million;
- Collected: $ 2 billion 195 million;

When it is considered the most lucrative film, its costs, then and current inflation rates are taken into account.

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@NarxiQancha | Source (

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