IMDb TOP 20 rated movies:


IMDb TOP 20 rated movies:
(as of 22.03.2024)

1. The Shawshank Redemption — 9.3
2. Godfather - 9.2
3. Black Knight — 9.0
4. The Godfather (part 2) — 9.0
5. 12 angry men - 9.0
6. Schindler's List - 9.0
7. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King — 9.0
8. Criminal charge - 8.9
9. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring — 8.9
10. Good, Bad and Evil - 8.8
11. Forrest Gump - 8.8
12. The Lord of the Rings: Two Castles - 8.8
13. Fight Club — 8.8
14. Dune 2 — 8.8
15. Introduction - 8.8
16. Star Wars Episode 5 — The Empire Strikes Back — 8.7
17. Matrix - 8.7
18. Good guys - 8.7
19. Flight over the Kakku nest - 8.7
20. Seven — 8.6

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