Pregnancy toxicosis


Pregnancy toxicosis

- Disorders of adaptation of the organism to pregnancy. Depending on the period of origin Early toxicosis - occurs in the first trimester, ends in the 2nd trimester (12 weeks). Evening toxicosis - occurs in the second and third trimesters.


It is caused by poisoning with substances formed in the body during embryonic development. Lack of sleep Excessive fatigue Unhealthy diet Many fetuses Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract


Morning nausea Multiple vomiting Salivation Dizziness Pulse and blood pressure changes Rapid fatigue Fatigue


depending on weight Mild - female condition is satisfactory, vomiting up to 5 times a day Moderately severe - vomiting up to 10 times, weight loss, pulse rate Severe - female condition worsens, vomiting up to 25 times, body temperature increases , swollen hands and feet.


Anamnesis Gynecological examination Pelvic organs UTTsi General analysis of blood and urine


Antidepressants Sedatives Folic acid Therapeutic exercise


Meals should be taken every 2-3 hours. Avoid greasy, smoked, bitter, chocolate and salty things. It is recommended to drink mineral water, lemon tea, tinctures.


More outdoor travel Restriction of nausea (transport, odors) Obstetrician-gynecologist supervision.
