First aid for burns


First aid for burns


1. Thermal combustion.
2. Chemical combustion.
3. Burning under the influence of various rays


First-degree burns, redness, swelling, pain appear and last for 2-3 days.
In second-degree burns, blisters with serous fluid appear in the skin, causing severe pain and healing in 5-6 days.
Third degree - burns, injuries of the skin.
The fourth stage is when the subcutaneous part reaches the bone and becomes an idol.

◾️First aid:

Cover the fire in clothing with fire-resistant cloths.
Cut off burning clothing, immediately cool the burn (burning ice cubes from the refrigerator, cooling in running water or tap water), drinking hot tea, coffee, mineral water.
In a chemical burn, if the acid burns, the effluent is washed with water and a weak vinegar solution, and the aseptic bond is burned.
If it burns from lime, wash the burn with water for 5-10 minutes, add a 20% sugar solution.
Analgin 50% 2,0 K Diphenhydramine 1% 1,0 ml Navocaine 0,5% 2,0 v / i.
A clean sheet of 0,1% Rivanol solution and 0,2% Furatsilin solution is applied to the burn.
No medication or ointment is applied to the burn site.