Why does the smartphone heat up?


Why does the smartphone heat up?

It is normal for the smartphone to overheat during operation. But if your smartphone overheats very quickly even when you are not actively using it, you need to know why this is happening and how to prevent it from overheating.

A smartphone is a complex technical device like a normal computer. Inside the plastic or metal case is a powerful processor and other chips that perform complex tasks. Heat energy is constantly released during their operation, so the smartphone heats up to a certain extent.

It is not possible to use the cooling system (cooler) in computers on smartphones, there is no space for this. The material of the case (plastic, metal), technical parameters and special technology of the smartphone manufacturer also affect the level of heating. The more complex tasks the user performs on the smartphone, the hotter the device becomes.

In most cases, the heat of a running smartphone should not bother the user. Smartphone manufacturers have prevented the heat energy that is constantly emitted from damaging the device’s chips. Frequent and constant heating of an inactive smartphone to 50-70 degrees is dangerous. Especially in our region, in the summer, when left in direct sunlight (on a window sill, in a car), the smartphone often breaks down under the influence of heat.

The weakest part of a smartphone that needs to be protected from heat is the battery. Lity is one of its constituents and is a metal with low melting temperature. The maximum operating temperature for such batteries is 60 degrees. It is harmful for him to stay constantly in the conditions of rising ambient temperature. At first, the battery starts to run out frequently, and then it may not work at all. When storing the battery at a temperature of 50 degrees, the researchers say, the drop in capacity increases sixfold.

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