Method of treating worms


Method of treating worms.

There is a sequence in the treatment of worms, as there is an order in every work. If you follow this procedure, it will be possible to get rid of worms completely.

1. Diagnosis

In Uzbekistan, on average, about 70 types of intestinal parasites, worms, ascarids, etc. multiply in the intestine and cause disease. For diagnosis, stool analysis, general blood analysis and reception of specialists such as Helminthologist, Gastroenterologist, Therapist, UASH, which type of parasite is found.

I also posted a guide to primary diagnosis on my youtube channel. Click for video link 👉 Tutorial (

2. Treatment

After the type of intestinal parasite is determined, appropriate anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Remember, different drugs are used for different worms!

Treatment is usually done through a special scheme. For example, medicine is taken for 3-5 days, after a pause, medicine is taken for another 3-5-7 days. The reason for this is that when the worms in the intestine die, their eggs hatch. This is done in order to kill them.

3. Post-treatment cleaning and restoration.

Many people do not practice enema after treatment. It is necessary to treat bad symptoms caused by worms. It can often be anemia, rashes and chocozoa.

4. Prevention of re-infection.

It is important to constantly follow the rules of personal hygiene and take measures to prevent the spread of worms.

I will tell you about the drugs in a later post.

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