Difference between DOC and DOCX formats


Difference between DOC and DOCX formats (https://telegra.ph/file/57ddc0072b31285e25d99.png)🤔

.docx and .doc are the most widely used file extensions for saving documents in MS Word.

Microsoft has developed its own format for working with text documents used in the MS Word application. Microsoft Office 97-2003 versions used the DOC format, and Microsoft Office 2007 and later versions used the DOCX format.

The main differences between these formats are:

— In newer versions of MS Word, the size of the DOCX file takes up less space than the size of the DOC file, thanks to the built-in special ZIP-archive compression function.

— DOCX is a container format that stores text, markup, tables, container and script information in separate files and folders, while DOC format stores all information in one file.

— When using DOCX, the user will have more functional options when working with text documents.

📝 Source: @computer_life

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