About Gulruh Pirnazarova, family, instagram, photos


Gulruh Pirnazarova was born on October 1995, 10 in the city of Karshi, Kashkadarya region. He is the middle of three children in the family and has one brother and one sister.
The actress studied at the Uzbek State University of Arts and Culture. He currently works at the Uzbek State Drama Theater.
To date, the actress has appeared in several films and series, as well as music videos.
Gulruh Pirnazarova is well known for her roles in the music video "Why I Loved" singer Bekzod Hakkiyev, in the film "Voydod 2" by director Ozod Shams, as well as in the series "Suffering".  
The actress is not married yet. She currently lives in Tashkent.
Today, 23-year-old Gulruh Pirnazarova successfully continues her acting career.


Biography of Gulruh Pirnazarova
Biography of Gulruh Pirnazarova

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