June 5 is World Environment Day


June 5 is World Environment Day
The annual Environment Day on June 5 draws the attention of the UN to the world community on environmental issues. This holiday was adopted on June 1972, 5 in accordance with the resolution of the Stockholm Conference on Environmental Protection. The celebration of this day encourages everyone to contribute to the protection of the environment. The goal of this day is for all states to work together to protect the environment. This day has become a tradition all over the world, with rallies in the streets, cycling parades, open-air concerts, various contests and other events in schools, as well as planting trees and flowers, clearing the squares. Every year this holiday is held under the following slogans: "Our land is one", "Water is life", "Disposal of hazardous waste", "For the next generation - a peaceful life", "Trees for peace", "Youth: environment -environment ”“ Our home, our land ”and so on. The time, date and theme of the international holiday events will be approved by the UN representatives. Environmental protection issues are one of the most pressing issues of concern today. Their solution is in the interests of all peoples, and the present and future of civilization depends in many respects on the solution of these problems. Environmental protection depends on human activities. To do this, we need to inculcate environmental legal education and upbringing in the minds of our young generation, starting from the family, and teach them to respect mother - nature - the motherland.