June 1 - International Children's Day.


International Children's Day is the most immaculate and joyful holiday for children around the world. Of course, the child is the world, the child is an integral part of the meaning of this life. Through their smiles, children arouse interest in life in people's hearts. It is an example of a swallow flying freely in the clear sky with a child in his eyes with kindness and kindness.

As it is said that the future is built with history, this day has its own history. The proposal to celebrate this day on June 1 was put forward in Geneva in 1925, and since 1950, June 1 has been celebrated around the world as International Children's Day under the auspices of the United Nations. One of the main meanings of this date is reflected in its flag. In it, the globe is our common home, and the children around us are united for happiness. On the first day of summer, almost all countries of the world will host various concerts, exhibitions, parties, sports competitions for the owners of our future. And the parks turn into a world of miracles with the smiles of children. In our country, this holiday is celebrated every year with joy. Because Uzbekistan is a child country, and our people have always been a child nation. This is evidenced by the fact that after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was one of the first international agreements to which Uzbekistan acceded in the early years of independence.

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