Antique taxes of the countries of the world


Antique taxes of the countries of the world

States in need of money are forcing citizens to pay more under various pretexts.

We have collected the most antiques in them:
- Singleness Tax (Missouri, USA): Single men between the ages of 21 and 50 pay $ 1 per year in taxes.
- Entertainment tax (India): ticket price from $ 1,34 to 5% to 28% of the additional ticket price for access to expensive entertainment venues.
- Tax for sun and shade (Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca and other resorts): Those who are refreshed in the sun and rest in the shade must pay a tax of 1 euro per day.
- Tax for social network (Uganda): citizens have to pay $ 0,05 per day for using telegram, facebook, instagram. If he refuses to pay the tax, he faces a $ 2500 fine or 12 months in prison. $ 1 big money for a country where the population lives on less than $ 0,05 a day.

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