Autumn and winter diseases


Today we want to focus on some of the diseases that are most common in the fall and winter months, depending on the needs and desires of customers.
Why do lips crack?
- In winter, the body is deficient in various vitamins. Cracks in the lips indicate a lack of vitamins A and E in the body. Injury to the cracks indicates an infection. Apply an oily solution of vitamin A to the lips to enhance the wound healing process. Duration of treatment - 2 weeks. Then, give your child one of the vitamin complexes that contain vitamin A on the advice of a doctor. If the cracks are purulent, apply drying ointments (eg levomecol).
Tears in cold weather…
- When eyes are affected, they should be washed. To do this, a tincture of medicinal herbs will come in handy. The eye is washed with chamomile tincture or a gauze soaked in this tincture is applied to the eye. Freshly brewed black tea also helps in this regard. It is also useful to wash the eyes with parsley tincture.
Can cough be treated at home?
- It is very useful to take some herbs as an inhalation, infusion, decoction, tea. Although the disease passes in the winter months, the painful cough persists for a long time. A tincture made from mint leaves has anti-inflammatory effect. This tincture is very useful in diseases of bronchitis, angina, colds, pharyngitis. The dried leaves of mint are pulverized, a tablespoon is taken from it and 250 ml of boiling water is poured over it. Tea made from thyme plant soothes the throat. Facilitates sputum migration. It also has a devastating effect on the germs that cause the disease. Take a teaspoon of dried leaves of thyme and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 15 minutes and add a teaspoon of honey on top. Take 5 cups a day.
Heating compresses have the property of dilating the blood vessels as they retain heat. A compress applied to the chest area relieves cough.
Vapor inhalation is the most effective method in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. For this purpose, various medicinal herbs are added to the water. For example: garlic and onion juice are taken in a ratio of 1:10 and inhaled. Infusions made from chabrets, tuyatovon (mat-i-machexa), mavrak (sage) and chamomile are also effective in inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Water prepared with the addition of mineral water or soda helps to move the sputum. The treatment is carried out 1,5 hours after a meal. The steam should be warm and not burn the face.
The duration of treatment is 10 minutes.
In place of information…
The incidence of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract is particularly high in December and January.
Boys are more prone to inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract than girls. Because the amount of leukocytes in their blood is 2 times less than in girls.
Severe ARVI, fever, and bed rest indicate that the immune system is functioning well. Because the immune system actively fights the disease.
The duration of ORVI is one week. Sick children are considered dangerous to others in the first three days of illness. In closed and cramped rooms, viruses that cause influenza and SARS can also be transmitted at a distance of 7 meters from the patient.
If the child suffocates…
- Choking in children is called croup. The word croup means ‘rough’. Croup is a series of symptoms that include inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, usually occurring at night. Croup syndrome is characterized by hoarseness and difficulty breathing. Croup is mainly found in children under 4 years of age. In this disease, both the child and the parents are suddenly frightened and frightened. In fact, if the ambulance is provided in a timely manner, the disease will pass without complications.
Causes of the disease:
* Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
* Influenza;
* Allergies;
* Calcium deficiency in the blood;
* Foreign body in the respiratory tract.
In these diseases, inflammation of the vocal cords results in swelling of the respiratory organs. Narrowing occurs due to swelling. As a result, the child suffers from suffocation syndrome.
The child wakes up at night suddenly disturbed by a cough. His voice is whistling. In some cases, the baby's voice sounds like a rooster. The child blushes because he coughs a lot. In some cases, it becomes bruised. Body temperature does not rise to high numbers. A slight bruising around the baby's lips and a pale skin color indicate that the baby is short of breath. Seek medical attention immediately if these symptoms occur. If the body temperature rises to 39 degrees in croup syndrome, it means that the child's condition is serious. Usually, if children are taken out into the fresh air or have hot tea with steam rising in their mouths, their condition will improve a little. Croup syndrome can last a long time if not treated in time.
How you help
can you give
* Help the child breathe first. To do this, drink some of the steam rising tea and hold the tea steam in your airways. The steam helps to open the baby’s airways;
* Open the room window and allow fresh air to enter the room;
* If the child develops symptoms that bother you, call an ambulance immediately;
Danger signs:
* Weakness;
* Bluish lips;
* Rise in body temperature to 39 degrees;
* Inability of the child to swallow saliva;
* The child is restless and unable to sleep;
Disease prevention
* Regularly wipe the rooms with a damp cloth;
* Do not admit sick children in kindergartens and schools, separate them from healthy children;
* It is recommended to give children multivitamins at the onset of seasonal illnesses (autumn and winter);
Also, if a sick child is detected at home or in kindergarten, healthy children who are in contact with a sick child are prescribed interferon, anaferon, leukocyte, interferon (nasal drip).

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