Eshqobil Shukur (1961)


Eshqobil Shukur was born in 1961 in Boymoqli village of Kumkurgan district of Surkhandarya region. Graduated from Tashkent State University, Faculty of Philology (1984). He has worked in various publishing houses and editorial offices, on Uzbek television.

His first collection of poems was The Study of the Heart (1984). After that, his books of poetry "Sochlari sumbul-sumbul" (1988), "Tungi gullar" (1989), "Yashil kushlar" (1995), "Hamal ayvoni" (2003) and in 2005 his book of prose "Ancient garden legends" were published. . There are epics such as “Naqshband”, “Genesis of Genesis”, series “Journey to Nasayim ul-muhabbat”, as well as short stories such as “Evening of Destiny”, “Migration of the World”.

The third collection, "Night Flowers", created in 1989, was awarded the Osman Nasir Prize of the Republican Youth Union.

The fact that his poems have a deep figurative meaning, while at the same time being expressed in a simple, fluent language, and sometimes a folk, generous narrative style, strongly connects the poet's poetry with his reader. In addition, the ancient forgotten musical melodies in the poet's poetry are revived, giving a new meaning and new grace to his works. Sometimes tragic sounds are heard.

His works have been published in several foreign languages, in the Russian press and in the American journal World Literature.

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