How can a camel withstand drought?


From ancient times, camels have crossed the deserts of Asia and Africa before the invention of technology such as cars and airplanes. For this reason, camels are often referred to as "desert ships."

The camel's hump allows it to walk without eating or resting for long periods of time.

If there is nothing on the back, it hangs like an empty sack. It has no bones in the buttocks and consists only of fat and muscle tissue. It can be called a storehouse of nutrients.


The camel was well fed before going on large trips. As a result, his pelvis began to "grow" and weighed up to 45 kg. Due to the layer of fat, camels can go without food for several days.

Camels also reserve water. He drank up to 57 liters of water before the trip. You may wonder how he can drink so much liquid at once. After all, when it hits the ground, the snow burns. The secret is that the camel was first given a little salt. Then he felt such a strong thirst that he did not say that he had seen about 60 liters of water.

The camel has three stomachs. The first contains partially chewed plants, the second contains liquid, and the third contains digested plants. The first and second stomachs contain water-retaining sacs. When they are full, they are tightly closed with muscle tissue. Only when the animal is thirsty do the bags open and be used as needed.

How can a camel withstand drought? In fact, as we explained above, it never goes without water. Ignorant nomadic tribes did not kill camels. Because they kept the water in the camel's stomach. That is why they survived the most difficult situations.


Orifjan Madvaliyev


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