How much does a kidney cost?


How much does a kidney cost?

We must mention that the sale of human organs is strictly prohibited in Uzbekistan. Therefore, those who need to buy a kidney can exchange it for a new one abroad, and it can cost the buyer $10 to $000. And the donor gets only 100% of this money ($000 - $30).

3 comments k "How much does a kidney cost"

  1. Are you looking to buy a kidney or sell your kidney? Are you looking for an opportunity to sell your kidneys for cash due to a financial crisis and don't know what to do? Contact us today and we'll offer you a cool $400 for your kidney
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    We offer you good money for your kidney.
    My name is Dr. UMAR. I am a nephrologist at UMAR clinic. Our clinic specializes in kidney surgery and we also treat
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    A suitable donor.

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  2. Can you sell or buy a kidney for cash due to a financial crisis and don't know what to do? Contact us today and we'll offer you a cool $400 for your kidney.

    WhatsApp: + 31 684911709
    Telegram: +31 684911709
    Viber: +31 684911709

    My name is Dr. UMAR. I am a nephrologist at UMAR clinic. Our clinic specializes in kidney surgery and we also treat
    Buying and transplanting kidneys
    A suitable donor

    We are located in India, Turkey, France, Nigeria, United States, Malaysia, Dubai, Kuwait


  3. ..possibility to sell or buy a kidney for cash due to financial crisis and don't know what to do? Contact us today and we'll offer you a cool $400 for your kidney.

    WhatsApp: + 31 684911709
    Telegram: +31 684911709
    Viber: +31 684911709

    My name is Dr. UMAR. I am a nephrologist at UMAR clinic. Our clinic specializes in kidney surgery and we also treat
    Buying and transplanting kidneys
    A suitable donor

    We are located in India, Turkey, France, Nigeria, United States, Malaysia, Dubai, Kuwait


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