When it boils


When it boils

✓ Water - Drink small amounts frequently while warm.
✓ Drinking soda - Drink 1 teaspoon mixed with 200 ml of warm water.
✓ Activated charcoal (charcoal) - 10 tablet per 1 kg of body weight. Excess acid in the stomach is absorbed and excreted.
✓ Apple cider vinegar - Drink 1 teaspoon in half a glass of water.
✓ Rice decoction (juice) - Drink 1 cup. It has the property of wrapping the gastric mucosa.
✓ Eggshell - powdered 3 times a day ½ teaspoon.
✓ Bodrezak (Russian: Kalina) jam - 2 tablespoons reduces itching.

Nutrition Science (https://t.me/joinchat/UFtOc0gAG-8iTHN6)

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