Mental retardation (oligophrenia)


Mental retardation (oligophrenia) is a congenital or acquired brain disease by the age of 3 years
stable mental, primarily intellectual deficiency due to organic disorder
is a disease associated with. Mental retardation is widespread in the world (1–3%). Next
There has been a significant increase in the number of mental disabilities over the years. The reason for this
born with congenital malformations and MNS defects due to medical advances
is the survival of children and an increase in overall life expectancy. A series
The authors note that boys are more likely to suffer from mental retardation.
Depending on the time of exposure to the etiological factors of mental retardation 3
are divided into main groups:
1) Hereditary, i.e., a group associated with injury to generative cells.
2) during the period of internal development, i.e. the group associated with the effect on the fetus.
3) perinatal period and period up to 3 years.
Oligophrenia is divided into the following types according to the degree of mental weakness: idiocy,
imbecility and stupidity.
Idiocy is the most difficult type, in which speaking and thinking
The ability will not be at all, requires control and maintenance. Simple in patients
there is no response to stimuli, perception is not fully developed, attention
not at all. Speech is undeveloped, only simple and with syllables of words
will be limited, will not understand the words addressed to him. Often they eat
they cannot chew or swallow, they only eat liquid foods. Patients
they cannot serve themselves. Their emotions are simple, out of one thing
shouting whether they are satisfied or not. They will be serjahl,
they can bite, scratch, hit themselves, they chew what they can get their hands on,
can suck. Patients also lag behind in physical development.
Mild forms of idiocy are also found
Imbetsilik is a moderate degree of mental weakness. As for the idiocy
speech and other mental functions are advanced, but they are laborious
naughty, can only serve itself. Speech of the Imbetsils
undeveloped and unable to master grammar at all. They are just simple
can pronounce words. The vocabulary is 200-300 words. They have mechanical memory and
can assimilate simple knowledge due to sluggish attention. Some patients count,
learns letters, simple tasks such as: cleaning, laundry, washing dishes
they get. Feelings are less developed, simpler. They are unique when circumstances change
shows a negative reaction. Their personality is relatively more developed than that of an idiot
will, they will quickly become upset, ashamed of their shortcomings, burnt or
they know what they like. Sick children need constant supervision. Imbetsils are fast
confident and prone to imitate others.
Dementia is a mild form of mental retardation. Fools have the ability to read, it’s easy
can work in jobs, can adapt to social conditions. Mild dementia is normal
difficult to distinguish with the lower limit of the psyche. The difference between idiots and imbetsil is that
The speech will be highly developed, the behavior will be both adequate and free
and unknowingly slows down thinking. But abstract thinking in idiots is slower than observations. It is difficult for them to move from a simple job to a more complex one. Debilis can be educated in a different school than imbetsils, but cannot do anything independently in learning. Debil
patients can acquire specific knowledge but cannot acquire theoretical knowledge. In idiots, emotion, will, and personality are more developed than in imbetsils. Debilites have low self-esteem, can't control their interests, can't think enough about what they've done, and are overconfident. However, despite this, idiots can adapt well to life. The lag in development is known from the beginning, i.e. late
walks, speaks late. Over the years, these things are rare in mild dementia
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