Spermogram results


Dear Doctor, I was diagnosed with grade 25 varicocele in my left testicle when I was 2 years old, I was single at the time and did not have surgery because the varicocele did not interfere. I recently got married 3 months ago, my wife was uncomfortable when no pregnancy was observed and I went to the orologist and had my semen spermogram, the semen was 13% dead, 87% (42% active motile, 20% moderately motile) and 25% came inactive). The elongation of the seed came out to 4 cm. As long as the rest of the indications were in place, the urologist said there was no need to worry and only prescribed vitamins, even though I said I was a varexel, no one was still a young family and there was no need to worry. But I had my doubts, and I think the urologist seemed to say that to keep me from getting depressed. My question is, do these spermogram indicators have anything to do with varecocel? Has varicocele affected sperm? Should I have surgery or should I wait another 3-4 months?


Vaalaykum assalom,

It is not a problem that pregnancy does not occur within 3 months after marriage. Infertility is a diagnosis made when the husband and wife have not had a pregnancy within a year of having a natural sexual life. So you have no problem. Plus, these are the sweetest times of your life. Do not spoil the taste of these sweet times with excessive thoughts about having a child.

In fact, there is no need to worry about the current spermogram readings. Although the spermogram is viewed in its entirety, there are no changes in the data provided. But the spermogram has other necessary indicators that you didn’t show. That's a question. The answer is the same

Based on the current condition and the information provided, it is difficult to observe whether varicocele has affected spermogram performance. In general, it can be said that varicocele does not affect sperm.

I don't think there are instructions for surgery. But this is not a medical and personal conclusion

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