The day when the ruler of the Golden Horde, Botukhon, conquered the city of Kiev


Today, December 6, is the day when Botukhon, the ruler of the Golden Horde, conquered the city of Kiev

In December 1240, Botukhon approached Kiev.

The khan did not want to destroy the beautiful city and offered the inhabitants of the city to surrender without a fight, but the people of Kiev decided to fight to the death.

The siege of Kiev lasted a long time, and when the Mongols attacked, all its inhabitants, young and old, came out to defend the city.

As the chronicler later wrote, "one fought with a thousand, the other with a fog."

The Mongols used wall-piercing weapons and stormed the city through cracks in the walls.

On December 6, the last stronghold of the people of Kyiv, the Church of Ushr, fell.

During the battle, the Mongols killed more than half of the civilians. Uspensky, St. Sophia Cathedral, Troitsky Church were destroyed.

The invaders destroyed the Church of the Savior in Berestovo, the Irininsky Church and almost all the gates of Kiev.

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