"The use of chlorinated water can also cause rashes"


? "The use of chlorinated water can also cause rashes" - dermatologist

? Hormones change or their balance is disturbed, endocrinological, gynecological diseases, eating disorders, consumption of large amounts of carbonated beverages and light carbohydrate-rich products can also cause rashes and blemishes on the face.

? Rash is also associated with an internal disease. For example, patients with gastrointestinal disorders and constipation are also prone to nausea.

? Usually, people who live in areas with high humidity do not suffer from frostbite. People living in arid climates are more bothered by this disease.

? Using chlorine-rich water for drinking or washing can also cause rashes on the face. Chlorinated water dries the face, as a result of which the sebaceous glands become more active and the number of blemishes on the face increases.


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