Understanding Endopsychics and Exopsychics


Concept of "Endopsychics" and "Exopsychics".
The first of the above-mentioned scientific problems is that there is an individual structure that distinguishes one person from other people. Solving this obvious psychological problem makes it possible to predict the behavior expressed in the internal conditions of this structure of the person. The setting of this issue first of all arises from the needs of education and upbringing, the spheres of activity related to the organization and other needs. But solving this issue on a scientific basis is related to another problem, that is, categorizing a person (typology), determining his most important, perfect structure. In fact, if we want to have a sufficiently complete picture of personality, to limit the most subtle and instructive aspects of personality typology, typological analysis of personality, it is necessary to emphasize its most general image in a generalized way.
The second issue related to the structure of the personality requires the division of such a structure into several components, therefore, the sum of these parts creates a whole human personality. In the science of world psychology, psychologists recommend dividing (classifying) the components of a person's psychological structure into categories based on their various essences.
In modern world psychology, the theory confirming that the biological (natural) and social (social) factors, formed under the influence of reality, are two important parts of the human personality, occupies a high position. According to this theory, the idea that the "inner psyche" ("endopsychic" - Greek "endo" means "inner") is divided into parts. According to this interpretation, "endopsychic" reflects the interdependence of psychic elements and functions as internal parts of the psychic structure of a person. It is based on the confirmation of the concept that "endopsychic" is exactly the same thing as the neuro-psychological structure of a person, as if it creates the inner mechanism of a person's personality. The "exopsychic" part of the mental structure determines the person's attitude towards the external environment, all aspects that are opposite to the person, interpersonal and objective relationship. "Endopsychics", in turn, reflects the characteristics of cognitive processes such as the influence of a person, memory, thinking, imagination, qualities of voluntary effort, involuntary actions and similar qualities. "Exopsychic" includes the system of personal relations and his interests, inclinations, ideals, interests, dominant, dominant emotions, acquired knowledge, experiences, and the like. "Endopsychism", which has a natural factor (basis), depends on biological conditions, on the contrary, "exopsychism" arises, develops and improves under the influence of social realities.
Psychologists from distant countries (USA, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, etc.) who are representatives of the theory that the formation of a person depends on a number of factors, as a result, depended on the structure of a person on those two main factors, that is, on the influence of biological and social (social) realities. are interested in the existence of the structure. Defines an object-subject relationship. "Endopsychics", in turn, reflects the characteristics of a person's affect, perception, imagination, memory, thinking, fantasy processes, the characteristics of voluntary effort, involuntary (ideomotor) actions and similar qualities. "Exopsychiatry" includes the system of relationships specific to its composition and its interests, inclinations, ideals, assumptions, interests, dominant, dominant emotions, acquired knowledge.
How should we treat the concept of double (two) factors analyzed above at a time when drastic restructuring in the science of psychology continues at a rapid pace?
For example, according to dialectical materialism, the essence of human personality consists of the sum of all social relations, there is no need to strongly object to this statement. Because a person is a social being (although it is not recognized that he is a product of the microenvironment), it is natural for him to retain signs of natural-biological structure. For example, recognition of biological and social (social) factors as primary in the structure of personality is one side of the problem (it is necessary to take them into account), but the other side is expressed in how to understand their mutual relations. According to many psychologists, in our view, the controversial aspect of dual-factor theory is that it mechanically contrasts social factor with biological reality, environment with biological structure, "exopsyche" with "endopsyche", interaction treats the problem with indifference. Representatives of this concept do not take into account that there are internal possibilities of natural and social factors that influence the formation of a person and its structure.
In order to confirm the highlighted points, we refer to their experiences. in the experiments of double-factor theory researchers studied the composition of personality traits of people with a height of 80-130 cm. As a result, they found many similarities in the structure of the person. Apart from being short (pakana), such people are found to have no defects or defects in their structure. In people who belong to this category, it is possible to meet children's laughter, optimism without any criticism, extreme simplicity, endurance in relation to the situation that requires a certain level of emotional (emotional) tension, and less sense of shame. Neither "endopsychic" nor "exopsychic" parts can be included in personality traits. Because the qualities of the person are the product of the psychic characteristics of the dwarfs, it is natural that they appear in such a social situation and improve their composition from the time when the difference between their equals in relation to their height was determined. It is worth noting that the surrounding people have a different attitude towards short people than tall people, because they do not like and belittle them, they feel the same things, dream, wonder, and wonder, so a unique personality structure is created in them. Such an obvious reality only masks their mental oppression, sometimes they behave aggressively towards others, even towards themselves. If we imagine that dwarf people (Lilliputians) live in the environment of people of the same height as themselves, then they could embody completely different personal qualities, characteristics, traits, qualities, like other people around them.
As noted in the science of progressive (humanistic) psychology, natural, organic aspects and conditions in the structure of a person are its components depending on social conditions. Natural (anatomical-physiological and other qualities) and social factors in the structure of personality form a whole unit, and they should never be allowed to contradict each other involuntarily.
Thus, in the science of scientific psychology (in order to avoid being called materialistic), the approach to all categories from the point of view of the universal, universal principle recognizes the role of natural (biological) and social (social) factors in the structure of the person, and contrasts the biological and social realities in the human person only on the basis of these. is critical of putting.
Ex-Soviet psychology and representatives of other progressive trends defending the problem of the individual from the position of dialectical materialism are based on the doctrine that the activity of the individual can arise in the process of interaction with the surrounding world. The source of a person's activity is his needs, and the same needs motivate a person to act in a certain way and in a certain direction. For the same reason, the need arises as a source of personal activity and is a state that reflects its dependence on obvious living conditions.
In needs, the dependence of a person on obvious social living conditions is expressed by its active aspects as a system of motives (motivation). Motives are quite consistent with the definition that they are dispositions towards activities aimed at satisfying certain needs. Interests in psychology are the emotional reflection of people's cognitive needs. Satisfying the needs of knowledge by a person creates the necessary opportunities and helps to fill the gaps in his knowledge, to properly adapt to educational situations and to understand them.
Beliefs are a set of understood needs that motivate a person to act based on his personal views, principles of behavior, scientific worldviews. The content of needs arising in the form of beliefs is formed by the knowledge of the nature surrounding a person and the society in which he lives, as well as the individual's understanding of them at a certain level, and is gradually improved with the help of various external influences.
Desires that arise in a person are considered motives for efforts, and these motives express needs in life and development conditions that are not directly evident in this situation.
The driving forces of a person's mental development are the contradictions between the needs that change during the life-activity of a person and the real possibilities of their satisfaction. There are a number of valuable and rich materials about them in the scientific psychological literature of the world.
Usually, the development, formation, formation, maturation of the individual involves overcoming existing contradictions, conflicting situations, exerting will power, managing stress, tension, serious situations, self-restraint, and rational, effective means (ways, methods, operations) of implementing these activities. , skills, studies, qualifications, habits, actions, efforts, etc.) arise as a result of mastering, mastering. All this is created in the process of imitation, identification, reflection, stereotyping, education, training, reading, learning, teaching, learning, mastering, independent knowledge. In this case, the satisfaction of a need through a specific activity legitimately gives rise to a need with a higher, higher-level new characteristic.
Thus, the birth, development, sorting and formation of needs, as well as raising people with oriental, Uzbek high moral feelings, based on the laws, properties, and mechanisms of the national, regional spirituality, mentality and values ​​characteristic of a person of an independent, democratic, legal society, are in front of the psychological scientists of our republic. is one of the main tasks. For this purpose, psychologists use tested (reliable, valid, representative) tests, methods (innovative features), methodologies (their invariants, variations, modifications), specific professional skills, methodological tools (instructions, recommendations, exercises, module and rating systems), it is absolutely necessary for them to be fully armed with modern technical tools, to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge, to be able to analyze the obtained results in a multifaceted manner (quality, quantity, correlation, dispersion, factor, etc.), and to be able to interpret them in depth. Because without these, it is impossible to form a person as a perfect person, to achieve perfection, therefore, bilateral interaction is able to create such an opportunity.

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