An understanding of the computer keyboard and the hotkeys that can be used on it


Talking about the keyboard, the keyboard is the main input device of the computer. Because through this, we can enter various commands to the computer, work with documents, and perform various functions. Let's study its structure.
Figure 1. Division of keys into functional groups depending on their function
Key controllers - this key group is used to perform a specific task when used separately or with other keys;
Functional keyboards — these keys are used for specific issues. They have specific names such as F1, F2, F3 and up to F12;
Input keyboards — this key group consists of letters, numbers, symbols. It is the main part of the keyboard;
Conductive keyboards — the function of these keys is used for editing and viewing web pages or word documents, moving up-down, right-left, beginning-end, and similar functions;
Numeric keyboards — used for faster work with numbers;
Indicators — tells about the status of the keyboard, that is (from left to right) and when indicator 1 lights up, it means that we are using uppercase letters for writing (for information, uppercase letters (QWERTY) and lowercase letters (qwert), to enable this, press "Shift" on the keyboard key is used), when the 2nd indicator is lit, it means that we can use the numeric keypad (to enable this, we use the "Num Lock"), the 3rd indicator indicates that the "Scroll Lock" is lit, that is, in the usual case, the transfer keyboard up, down, the left and right keys move the cursor one by one, and when "Scroll Lock" is on, the cursor stays in place, but the page itself starts to move up, down and to both sides.
Now let's take a look at some basic and frequently used keyboard shortcuts:
1. F1 – Help key for working with Windows (while standing on the desktop). The advantage of this is that through this key you can go to the help section of any program;
2. F2 – if you press the mouse once on a file or document and then press this key, editing for changing the name of this file or document will open;
3. F5 – with this key, you can press the Refresh key in Windows (the meaning of Refresh is that it sends a signal to the processor that the user is not doing anything);
4. CTRL + ESC and "Windows Logo" - these keys are used to open the Windows Start button;
5. ALT + TAB – keys to switch from programs to programs;
6. ALT + F4 – exit or close the program;
7. SHIFT+DELETE - completely delete a file and document from the memory;
8. Windows Logo+L – Transferring the user in Windows to the block state (that is, to this state if a password is set, or to the login environment simply by pressing one button);
9. CTRL + C – these keys are used to copy any file or document;
10. CTRL + X - these keys are used to move the original file or document to the clipboard;
11. CTRL + V – performs the task of placing the copied or copied file or document in the place of our choice;
12. CTRL + Z – is used to undo some work done (there are cases where this is not possible);
13. SHIFT + F10 - this allows you to open a window of actions for what to do with several specified files;
14. CTRL + SHIFT + ESC – through this we can open the "Dispatcher zadach" (there is a slight change in WINDOWS 7, 8, 8.1, 10);
15. CTRL + A - provides an opportunity to specify all files or documents in the place where we are;
16. CTRL + Z – one undo of some action performed (mainly in word documents);
17. CTRL + Y - to move some action forward one time (mainly in word documents);
18. CTRL+ALT+PRINT SCREEN (PrtSc) - the function of these keys allows us to take a picture of the program we are working on;
19. Windows Logo+PRINT SCREEN (PrtSc) - this is used to take a picture of the whole window;
20. Windows Logo+R - allows to open "Vypolnit" executive window;
21. Windows Logo+M - lowers all running program windows to the taskbar;
22. SHIFT+Windows Logo+M - will reopen all running program windows to us;
23. Windows Logo+D — lowers all running program windows to the taskbar and reopens all running program windows to us;
24. Windows Logo+E - He reveals "Etot computer" to us;
25. Windows Logo+Break – shows the main characteristics of the operating system and computer we have installed;
(NOTE!!! Windows Logo is a key with a picture of WINDOWS) 

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