Why is the admission process extended? Will the test be extended now?


There are also such questions. I don't know the official explanation for why the admission process took so long, but I'm not surprised at all.

About this Khushnudbek Khudoiberdiyev is writing.

Because this year, full-fledged admission processes started on the night of June 27, i.e. 1 week later than the deadline. Until then, only online registration was opened on the my.dtm.uz site from June 20, but applicants could not choose routes. You may remember that I wrote about this several times on my channel.

Therefore, from the point of view of social justice, it was decided to extend the period of 1 week to the applicants and continue the admission until July 27.

Can test days be extended as a result? Yes, you can. But it won't last long, don't worry. Last year, the tests started on August 5. The current year will probably start around these dates. More information will be provided when the dates are confirmed.

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