Is it difficult to learn programming?


??‍? Is it difficult to learn programming?

In fact, everything depends on the person. If he learns patiently, he will learn what he wants. If at first it seems difficult and boring to him, he stays at that level. It's like a ladder - if you go up with difficulty, you will reach the finish line, if you are tired and lazy in the beginning, you will be left behind.

How to learn programming quickly and qualitatively?
The best way is to repeat the interval and practice. How does it work? For example, today you are introduced to variables in a programming language. Practice this at that time, that is, create a mini-program somewhere. Repeat the theory part after 6 hours. If you do not understand this practice, here is a real example:

About variables. For example, in Python:

age = 26
name = Abdusattar

age accepts integers of integer value. name receives string information. This is part of the theory. Now create a program by adding 2 lines of code.

For example:

age = 26
name = "Abdusattar"
print ("My name", name, ", my age", age)

Do this every time you see a course. Repeat the theory part at intervals, doing the practice at intervals as well. This way you will learn the language you want at a professional level (

If you can't teach yourself, that is, if you can't teach yourself, they will teach you well at Salvation Education ( ( ) :)

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