May 10 is World Migratory Bird Day


World Migratory Bird Day is celebrated on the second Saturday and Sunday of May. The basis for the celebration of this day was the International Convention for the Protection of Birds, signed in 1906. Russia joined the convention in 1927. Today, World Migratory Bird Day is a global environmental company whose goal is to increase knowledge about migratory birds, their habitats, and ways of movement. These include a bird festival, educational and enlightenment programs, bird watching under expert guidance, and numerous public events of the day that include excursions - encouraging migratory birds to save their habitats around the world. Thanks to migratory birds, the balance of ecosystem is maintained throughout the world. World Migratory Bird Day is held under the auspices of the Convention on Migratory Species (KVM) and the African and Asian Agreement on Migratory Birds (AYEVA). It is known that these two agreements are part of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The motto of the day: "Migratory birds and people - together over time," tries to emphasize once again the organic connection between people and birds. We know that people have read taxis on migratory birds since ancient times. People observed birds at every time of the year, recorded changes in their habitats, and looked for ways to use birds in their farming activities. Proof of this is the large number of myths, legends, inscriptions found in almost every corner of the planet. Egyptian mythology, which depicts the gods with elements of birds, shows the powerful influence of migratory birds on ancient civilizations by the Nazca monuments found in Peru. Even in our time, there are communities whose livelihoods depend on migratory birds. Bird migration, as an event, is also an important indicator of biodiversity, ecosystem health, climate change. Due to the activity of migratory birds, the overall ecotic balance is maintained, for example, some plants are pollinated precisely due to migratory birds.

  May 10 is the day Christopher Columbus discovered the Cayman Islands
The Cayman Islands is a British colony in the West Indies, consisting of the Greater Cayman Islands, the Lesser Cayman Islands, and the Cayman Islands. They are located in the northwestern part of the Caribbean Sea, between Cuba and Jamaica (USA). The Cayman Islands were discovered on May 1503, 10, by the famous Spanish sailor and cartographer Christopher Columbus, on his fourth and final expedition to the New World. The names of the natives of these places have not survived, and Columbus was the first of the Europeans to build the coasts of these low islands. The Spaniards originally called them "Las Tortugas" - "Turtle Islands", due to the abundance of these reptiles in the islands and surrounding waters, but later it became known that crocodiles are much more there, and the islands were renamed. Since 1523, the islands have been listed on sea maps as Lagartos, which means ‘alligators’ or ‘large lizards’. From 1530 it was used as the "Cayman Islands". Presumably, the name was coined because European tourists, when they saw a large iguana there, accepted them as crocodiles. Since then, the name "Cayman Islands" has been used in cartography. Francis Drake was the first Englishman to visit the island in 1586. For the next hundred years the islands served as a prestigious intermediate place for ships sailing in the Caribbean to replenish food and freshwater supplies, there was no permanent population, and sailors, pirates, and tortoise hunters would stop here for a short time. . Under the Treaty of Madrid of 1670, control of the islands was officially transferred to Britain, which was administered by the governor of Jamaica. Gradually, a permanent population began to appear in Greater Cayman, but the remaining islands were again uninhabited for a long time. By the beginning of the 19th century, the population was barely a thousand, more than half of whom were slaves. With the abolition of slavery in 1835, many freed slaves remained on the islands, and by the beginning of the twentieth century the population had increased fivefold. The locals grew cotton, mahogany, weaved rope, and fished. Almost all products were exported to Jamaica. The country has made several attempts to modernize its economy, but the islanders are in no hurry to get rid of their isolated lifestyle (isolation). After Jamaica gained independence in 1962, the people of the Cayman Islands wanted to remain under British rule. At the same time there began the development of the offshore sector guldiros. The Great Crocodile Island has become a center of banking and one of the Caribbean tourist capitals. Today, the Cayman Islands is a thriving offshore financial center, the backbone of its economy - a travel business. More than 2 million tourists visit the islands every year.

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