Psychological analysis of the concept of "laziness" 20+


Many blame their laziness when things they don’t want to do or shouldn’t do are done. Some use laziness to justify their delays.

Many blame their laziness when things they don’t want to do or shouldn’t do are done. Some use laziness to justify their delays.

But have you ever wondered - where does laziness come from?

Ready to know the next secret? Laziness is a consequence of lack of vital energy.

At the same time, a person's vitality decreases to such an extent that he cannot even find the courage to do daily tasks. The body tries to save as much vital energy as possible to perform its functions - so the muscles relax, appetite is low and mental activity slows down. Interestingly, it takes a lot of work to get to that point. That is, in order to reduce the vital energy to such an extent, it must be expended. If someone does it with the wrong lifestyle, someone will achieve it after eating the wrong diet. Someone else becomes very lazy after a strong mental strain.

Now look carefully, which of these do you have?

prepared by psychologist Maruf Kubayev

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