

Turnips are a favorite vegetable of many with their wonderful aroma and delicious taste. Especially in the harsh winter, this boon of nature occupies a place in the network of Uzbek cuisine.
It is usually consumed in combination with liquid foods. Its healing properties are many.
The caloric content of 100 grams of turnips is 30 kcal. It contains many groups of vitamins such as carotene, A, V1, V2, V5, V6, V9 (folic acid), fiber such as K, C and RR, as well as potassium salt, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, copper, sodium , contains manganese and iodine.
Turnip is very rich in trace elements, carbohydrates and vitamins. This vegetable contains a very rare substance glucoraphanin. It helps treat diabetes and cancer. It contains more phosphorus than radish. Cabbage, on the other hand, is rich in vitamin C.
Turnip improves liver function. Normalizes the production of gallbladder fluid. Prevents the formation of stones in the bladder. The cellulose in it activates the activity of the intestines. Has a positive effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It also lowers blood cholesterol levels.
From ancient times the turnip was considered a vegetable that prevents tuberculosis and leprosy. Jam made from it boosts immunity. Turnip decoction is useful in angina (inflammation of the tonsils) and dental diseases.

When this vegetable is cooked, its healing properties are further enhanced. This is because during the cooking process, the glucoside in turnips is converted into mustard oil. It improves appetite.

It is best not to consume it in people with intestinal inflammation. Because it is not recommended to consume it in severe and chronic hepatitis (inflammation of liver cells), cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) and diseases of the central nervous system. Eating turnips raw is useful in constipation. When there is acute inflammation of the stomach and intestines, those suffering from gastritis and duodenal ulcers are not recommended to eat it raw.
Abu Ali ibn Sina said that if a turnip seed is placed on a sore spot and tied, it will drive away the winds. The fact that the inside is cut and melted by burying it in a cave with wax helps to treat skin diseases, cold sores and cracks. Softens the throat when cooked with meat. It is good for the eyes if it is cooked or eaten raw. Adjusts the airway. It is a wonderful ointment when the heart is restless. Turnip juice mixed with honey eliminates cough. It is useful when the temperature rises, sore throat.
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This vegetable is also a natural antibiotic like onion, garlic, radish. Because it contains phytoncides. This substance kills viruses and has a positive effect in the fight against influenza, ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections).
Khurshida HUSENOVA

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