Pumpkin is a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals


Pumpkin is a very useful product. It contains vitamins and trace elements that are important for the human body. This product is compared to a "treasure" that contains a complex of drugs.

Pumpkin is second only to carrots in the abundance of vitamin A. In terms of iron content, it has a record result among vegetables. There are more than 50 varieties of squash. It is 90 percent water. That means 2 percent less than watermelon.

100 g of pumpkin is equal to 22 kcal. It is rich in iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium minerals and vitamins E, A, C, D, F, PP, T, V. Pumpkin seeds contain 50% fat, 35% vegetable protein, sugar, amino acids, leucine, tyrosine acid and carotenoids.

A tincture made from it is recommended for chest pain, dry cough. The meat can be cooked in water and consumed as a diuretic in jaundice, kidney and bladder diseases. Pumpkin improves the work of members of the digestive system. It also has urine, grass drive properties. This product cleans the inside. It has a positive effect on vascular diseases, liver, kidney disease.

Ibn Sina recommended that squash be buried in the snow, mixed with sugar, and consumed to soften the stomach. With its juice, it cured sore throats and brain diseases.

Burying it in the snow again and leaving it sore if the limbs are tied to the sore spots. A squash cooked in this way has an ointment-like effect when applied over wounds that do not mix with vegetable oil. Due to the high content of pectin in this vegetable, its consumption helps to rid the body of cholesterol. It is recommended to consume pumpkin seeds to reduce vomiting.


Khurshida HUSENOVA


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