What is the price of bread in the world and in Uzbekistan?


What is the price of bread in the world and in Uzbekistan?

As bread is a staple food in the world, an increase in its price directly leads to a significant increase in the daily expenditures of the population.

From June 1, the price of bread in the capital will be 2 soums.

The price of bread in the world is as follows:
- US $ 2,59;
- Switzerland $ 2,3;
- France $ 2,04;
- Canada $ 2;
- Germany $ 0,81;
- Azerbaijan $ 0,35;
- Kazakhstan $ 0,38;
- Moldova $ 0,34;
- Tajikistan $ 0,34;
- Uzbekistan $ 0,27;
- Kyrgyzstan $ 0,21;

In our country, people earning the minimum wage of 920 soums a month have to spend almost 20% of their income on bread alone, if the number of family members is large. increases. In developed countries, the figure is around 5%.

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